...you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a f*ing boat
This movie is filming on the street I take to get to work. I managed to drive by and get a look this morning at the house where they're filming. It looks burned out so now I'm curious at the story line. The description on IMDB says something about a single dad moving his family to rural Illinois... Does Charleston look like rural Illinois or will rural Illinois show up later? Apparently they've been shooting all over Charleston which is cool. We got an email yesterday about the street closure and it reminded me of when I worked in LA. We'd get those emails every month. Usually they were about the streets around my building but once it was about the rear lobby. Of course I can't even remember the movie but they shot an action sequence through that lobby. Stuff like that would happen enough that I started to get irritated when it got in the way of my daily routine. Now I think it's cool again. Just another way one's perception of life is skewed when one lives in Los Angeles.
Ok, this is completely off the subject but I'm a bit confused and need to vent a bit. I'm not a singer. I can sing and do well in choirs because I can blend. My mom's side of the family is very musical and I've been raised in and around music. I know a good note when I hear one. I know when someone is flat and I know when they're sharp. I can tell when someone is singing out of their range. Ok, that said, I feel like I'm missing something while watching Idol recently. The judges have been knocking people who sound perfectly fine on my tv and applauding others who sound, "pitchy" as Randy would say. I'm wondering if it's anything to do with live, in the theater performances versus what folks at home hear on their televisions. Alright, I'm done. I just wanted to put that out there. Really I guess I shouldn't care because it's just Idol and even the sucky people tend to end up with record contracts. What's funny is that most of the contestants left have already had records. Freaking ringers.
Ok, this is completely off the subject but I'm a bit confused and need to vent a bit. I'm not a singer. I can sing and do well in choirs because I can blend. My mom's side of the family is very musical and I've been raised in and around music. I know a good note when I hear one. I know when someone is flat and I know when they're sharp. I can tell when someone is singing out of their range. Ok, that said, I feel like I'm missing something while watching Idol recently. The judges have been knocking people who sound perfectly fine on my tv and applauding others who sound, "pitchy" as Randy would say. I'm wondering if it's anything to do with live, in the theater performances versus what folks at home hear on their televisions. Alright, I'm done. I just wanted to put that out there. Really I guess I shouldn't care because it's just Idol and even the sucky people tend to end up with record contracts. What's funny is that most of the contestants left have already had records. Freaking ringers.
I haven't seen American Idol in weeks, but in past years I've been confused by who they like and don't like for that same reason. Maybe it is the venue, but it definitely makes watching it difficult.
You know, I've seen rural Illinois and Charleston does not look like rural Illinois at all. But you have to tell us if you see Costner at any point. Isn't he like 70 now?
It's a horror movie so maybe someone burns the house down. Cool.
Freaking American Idol.
I'm so hooked on AI. I'm loving the rockin' David, but not liking the baby David so much now. He's a tad annoying to me.
Did you see Leatherheads yet? It was filmed in SC, right?
Leatherheads got really bad reviews so that in addition to Renee "Squinty" Zellwhatever kept me away. I din't think there was a combination on earth that would keep me from a Cloony/Krasinski movie.
Ash, my dad is really rooting for Baby David. He's just so nice you figure it's got to be fake. I liked Other David until this week. I know he's got personal family problems but he was soooo flat on Tuesday night. Plus he took an upbeat pop song and made it so depressing. I'm just hoping it was an off week because I like him a lot.
I think Randy is deaf b/c he tells nearly every singly person that they are "pitchy". Granted, I know nothing about music, but I have a feeling that not everyone on the show is pitchy.
Kevin Costner showed up to a batting practice for The Citadel's baseball team last week! (thank you to Google alerts for that one!)
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