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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hello and Good Morning

I have to turn in my first homework assignment for one of my classes. I'm kind of nervous about it. I want to do well in this class and really understand the material because it could have an impact on my actual career (I don't consider being a secretary a career).

The weather in Charleston has warmed up quite a bit. I do believe I'm the only one who isn't happy about it. I dread the coming spring (actually more like summer) and summer (actually more like hell). I have a theory that if it's cooler longer in the winter then maybe we'd have a shot at an actual spring. Then summer might not start until late April. A couple of years ago it was 90 the first weekend of April. I don't enjoy that. Last year we had what one might refer to as spring. It was lovely while it lasted.

Movie update:
I saw Slumdog Millionaire last weekend and really enjoyed it. I was going to try and see Benjamin Button this weekend but I'm not for two reasons 1) it's only playing in evening times and I'm too cheap to pay $9.50 for a movie that will be on DVD this spring and 2) it's 2 hours and 47 minutes long. Instead I think I might go see Taken because that's only an hour and a half and I can see it at the cheap theater for $3. Nice.

On the rental side of things I've seen a few good ones and some really bad ones too. I watched Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist last night. I enjoyed the crap out of that movie and I NEED the soundtrack. I'm going to see Vicky Christina Barcelona (aka Bicky Christina Barthelona) tomorrow night. I have low expectations with Woody Allen movies now. Mostly I'd like to see Spain which is the main reason I'm going to sit through it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so its not just me who thinks movies have gotten ridiculously long... and many times, for no good reason!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Ugh, it's not just you two. Those Pirates of the Caribbean sequels could have been half an hour long EACH. Would have been a big improvement.

So what is it about Slumdog Millionaire that's so good? I am curious.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started on the Pirates movies.

Slumdog Millionaire was a sweet (though at times depressing) movie. It was well done and I really cared about the characters. It was well written, directed, and acted.

10:06 AM  

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