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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I'm allergic to my own tears

Oooh, that would be a great name for my autobiography.

But really, I am allergic to crying. My eyes, thanks to Bridge to Terabithia, are all puffy this morning. My upper eye lids, right around the tear duct, get all swollen the morning after a good cry. Maybe I should try to cry earlier in the day.

Today's daily poll on imdb is about the September movie release to which you are most looking forward. I don't think I mentioned it after ComicCon but Shoot 'Em Up with Clive Owen looks so good. You have to be ok with excessive violence but from what I saw (opening 5 minutes of the movie) it looks like a great ride. Clive Owen delivers a baby while shooting people!! Ok, I was just reading posts on the message board for the movie and people hated it. That's too bad because it really looked entertaining. I'll still go see it at my $2 theater. But anyway there looks to be some good fall releases so that makes me happy.


Blogger Ann said...

Did you read Bridge to Terabithia when you were a kid? That was so traumatic! Did the movie follow the same plot? No wonder you were crying!

8:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had to read it again in college and it still made me cry.

1:40 PM  

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