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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, January 18, 2008

"I'm no freakin monument to justice!"

Has anyone seen National Treasure 2? I actually never saw the first one due to my profound dislike of all things Cage. I have been convinced to go to see #2 this weekend with a friend and was wondering if there's anything I could use as an argument against it.

Also, do you ever get the feeling you're being talked about? We have some professors here interviewing for open positions in the department. I was introduced to the current candidate a few minutes ago. She responded by saying, "You're the one from Philly, right?" Um...yeah. Before this morning she had dinner with two professors last night and one professor for breakfast. I'm guessing in one of the conversations she said she was from Philly and one of the professors involved said, "Our department secretary, Alisa, is from Philly." Actually I'm sure it was more like, "Our outstanding, dedicated secretary, Alisa, without whom we could not function, is also from Philly." Heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I'm not a big fan of Cage either, but I did LOVE National Treasure. It is very Indiana Jones-esque. And I love the dry humor from the sidekick.

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sidekick is, to me, the only appealing thing I've seen from the commercials. Well him and Dame Helen Mirren. She automatically classes up any flick. I have a gift certificate so really I'd be seeing it for free I think. I guess that justifies it.

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen #2 yet- but am looking forward to it. They filmed a bunch of scenes in the library, so I'm interested in seeing what they ended up using. I have heard that they are a bit more accurate with historical items this time. I don't know how many people told me how cool it was that they were able to roll up the declaration of indepence in the 1st movie! You can't do that- it would have fallen apart!!! ugh!

ok- off my soap box!

11:15 AM  
Blogger BETH said...

AMEN about the rolling of the Dec of Independence, ashley! When we saw the first one, Kenny could barely hear the movie over my yelling, "you have GOT to be kidding me!" But, i did enjoy it and enjoyed the sidekick and will more than likely go see the 2nd one. I was about as obnoxious when we saw the DaVinci Code (give me a break).

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read a review that said this National Treasure is just as unbelievable as the first. I just figured it'd be a fun movie to see in a theater.

Beth-I finally gave in and watched DaVinci Code and my eyes started to hurt because I was rolling them so much.

12:30 PM  
Blogger BETH said...

I am an eye roller, too! At the end of DaVinci Code (yes, i sat through the whole thing), I was so mad that I had justed those precious hours of my life. Oh well, probably no more of waste than the Victoria Beckham reality show episode I watched. :)

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

um, yeah, I watched that too.

3:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I listened to the DaVinci Code on CD, it was SO IRRITATING and SO PREDICTABLE. He's so preachy and obnoxious. I'm sure it wasn't good for my blood pressure, but at least I could talk back to it without pissing anyone else off.
PS - I love that you quoted from my favorite movie for your title. :)

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heehee, I love it!

5:31 PM  

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