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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Oh what a beautiful morning!

It's raining. Both copiers are down. I have to do something for class today that I've been dreading. I've been awake since 3:30 (Ann can't have all the early morning wake up glory). And I've got a pinched nerve in my neck. Stress, you say? Why yes, I think I'd agree with that assessment.

But alas dear readers (all three of you) there is a silver lining to this day. For it is Thursday and Thursdays bring about a joy known as The Office. Before you are quick to reply, "But Alisa, that can't be the only good thing about Thursdays!" Quite right my dear friends, quite right. For tonight marks the return of my beloved 30 Rock! And there was much rejoicing...


Blogger Ann said...

There is nothing glorious about being up since 3:30. Even when I'm up to see a beautiful sunrise, my reaction anymore is "Suck it, sun." I hope that pinched nerve in your neck loosens up, too. That's such an annoying pain. Can somebody give you a back rub? Dr. Swoon around? ;)

I know, I'm so excited to watch NBC tonight!! Let's hope we can stay awake for it!

8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if I have to slice open my eyelids (a la Nightmare on Elm St.) I will stay awake for my Thursday night shows. YAY!!!

Swoon is so nice that if I asked him for a neck rub, he'd look a little stunned at first but then would do it.

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I # 4 reader? I try to read some during the week when Eva Cate is sleeping... doesn't always work though.
And as much as I love the Office (yes I am officially hooked now)- you need to tivo it or something and watch USC whoop it up on Kentucky! Looking at the silver lining that we will kick some butt tonight!

4:10 PM  

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