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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I was going to post about something truly astonishing and then I spilled water all over my desk. And now, for the life of me, I can't remember what I was going to post about. My keyboard still seems to work even though there was at least 4 oz of water that came pouring out of it. My desk calendar has seen better days but apparently will survive if I can get through March and April. Overall I think it could have been worse.

Hmm...what was I going to write about. Oh! Ok, now it seems less astonishing. I was listening to my morning radio show and there were two callers taking part in a game they do every week called Uncanny Impressions. The radio guys roll their respective dice and whomever rolls highest has to do an impression which they pick out of a bowl. The producer, Joe, usually does terrible impressions which always leads to fits of laughter as he struggles to get through it. This morning he lucked upon Yoda which he was actually pretty good at doing. The two phone-in contestants are supposed to say their name when they think they know the impression. So Joe does his Yoda and does it very well. Dead silence from the callers. He does more Yoda saying some pretty obvious Star Wars related things. Still nothing from the callers. One DJ suspects that the callers are playing possum in order to get Joe to keep going with his impression. Turns out...not so much. The radio guys flip out. How do these guys not know Yoda? The first question asked of them, "You've seen Star Wars, right?" Answer from both, "No." The next obvious question, "How old are you guys?" Caller 1, "30." Caller 2, "22." Had they been like 14 or 15 I'd maybe understand but 22 and 30?!?!? I find that REALLY hard to believe that a 30 year old has not seen at least one of the 6 films or even been exposed to it in pop culture SOMEHOW.


Blogger Ann said...

That is bizarre! Everybody's seen Star Wars, haven't they? And since they were calling into a radio show, they obviously aren't living under rocks. That is really weird. I might have guessed Grover from Sesame Street instead of Yoda at first though. Their voices are practically identical.

8:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Fozzie Bear isn't too far off either.

There's a chic on the radio show that I listen too who knows nothing about Star Wars and it pisses me off everytime it comes up. I don't even take the excuse that she's a girl b/c I know a lot of girls who know and love those movies.

8:56 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

She probably only watches stuff like "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" and "Steel Magnolias." Gag.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm way off base but I thought that even if you haven't sat through the movies you've heard of Yoda. One of the DJs nailed it when he was surprised that BOTH guys were unfamiliar with Star Wars. It would be understandable to have one caller like that but 2 at one time seemed odd.

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Confession... Steel Magnolias makes me cry every time- I'm such a wimp!

There's lots of movies I've never seen, but I know enough to follow a conversation about them. And Star Wars, I mean, c'mon!

Those 2 yahoos must have been taken by the dark side!

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Here I go ranting against Scientology again...I'm such an SP!) Maybe they're both Scientologists and there's some rule that they're only allowed to watch/enjoy L. Ron's sci fi and nothing else.

Katie, it makes me cry too. Magnolias is one of those movies that I'll stop and watch when it's on TBS on Saturday afternoons.

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you've got it! Watching Star Wars would be like worshiping a false God to a Scientologist!

3:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you imagine having to watch Battlefield Earth over and over and over again? I couldn't even get through 10 minutes of it! That would be hell for me.

3:40 PM  

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