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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, July 11, 2008

"There's too much learning going on at that school."

So the other day I was wondering if there were any books that were made into a movie and then into a TV show. I've found two. Any guesses?

I wonder if there's anything that went from book to TV show to movie. This is probably less likely. Wait, I just found one.

Now there have been some movies to tv shows with books to follow. Heck Buffy was a movie, then a TV show, books and even comic books.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got nothin'. Any clues?

12:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll just tell ya. The two book to movie to tv shows are MASH and Friday Night Lights.

7:57 AM  

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