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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

There will be no giving of thanks this year

Not only is Dreaded Uncle coming down for Thanksgiving (he usually doesn't) but the rest of mom's family will be invading as well. This would include "Uncle that I like" with his son, "Cousin that I like"; "Uncle that I don't like" (not to be confused with Dreaded Uncle); his wife, "Aunt that's just OK"; and their daughter, "High Strung Cousin", along with her hubby and two kids who will probably be driving in from the even deeper south.

Most of them are extremely religious, right wing, conservatives who watch Fox News all day. If Obama wins they won't shut up about it. If McCain wins they won't shut up about it. Their favorite pass-time is giving my dad (a Democrat) a hard time. They love to try and push his buttons which is just so mature.

The good news? I'm going to be cat-sitting for one of the professors in the department that whole week. YAY! The downside is that my aunt will be sleeping in my room (I have a weird thing about that) but it's a small price to pay for the rock solid excuse of almost complete avoidance. Oh and I'm going to NYC the weekend before which will put me in a good mood.

This will be the first time that I'm not looking forward to my favorite of the holidays but I'm hoping to have some good stories, hopefully none of which are at my dad's expense.


Blogger Ann said...

Your poor father. That is really not cool of them to harass him like that. One day he might just snap and go after them with the electric knife. That would teach them.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know I'd testify on his behalf. They're not nice people. They think they are but they aren't.

3:10 PM  

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