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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I'm not even going to acknowledge what today is

It's a Tuesday. That's it. It's just any other Tuesday. Right? Anyone? Just another Tues... Oh well. I think I'm going to watch movies and do homework and not watch TV. I should have gone to work instead of staying home. Ugh. I can't escape it, can I?

Anywhoodle, mom and I were discussing something other than politics last night (THANK GOODNESS!) and we were trying to figure out seating for Thanksgiving. Beth, you'll be at the small table with me and mom. In response to my saying that obviously Beth would be sitting next to me, Mom's exact words were, "Well yeah, we've got to protect Beth." Heee!


Blogger BETH said...

I am so glad to learn I provided a distraction for you and your Mom!

9:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no idea how welcomed that distraction was!

I promise it'll be a great Thanksgiving!

11:33 AM  

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