I've recently become addicted to UNO on facebook. I've noticed a few things whilst playing. One is that it's a very global game. I've played with people from Mexico, various countries in South America, Denmark, India, Germany, Austria, and a few Middle Eastern countries. Not only do ALL these people know fluent English but they're fluent in text speak too. It makes me feel very lazy. I have to laugh at myself because I get annoyed when the people you're playing with try to chat. I just want to play UNO and I don't care if Anna from Dusseldorf has a boyfriend, err, bf. Or is bf best friend? I'm so old.
I love UNO! What site do you play on?
I go in through Facebook. On your home page in Facebook, go up to the right corner and type in UNO. The first on the list is UNO beta and that's where I play. If you want we could meet in the UNO lobby and play together.
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