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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, February 15, 2008

You've GOT to be kidding!

I was following the same car for most of my drive this morning. At first the car was in the left lane on a well-traveled, back road. The car was going exactly 45mph which was the speed limit. Meanwhile cars are passing on the right which I refuse to do so I sat there. The next thing I know, the driver is making a left in front of an oncoming car. Suddenly the car is driving over the speed limit and rushing to get on the interstate. I'm still behind the car which is keeping up with the highway traffic. The next thing I know it has slowed down again and cars are passing on both sides (we're in the middle lane). So I pass on the left and look over to see a woman on her cell phone. IT'S 6:30 IN THE MORNING!!! She was much more into the conversation and didn't seem to care that her driving consistency was less than stellar. Who the hell was she talking to at 6:30am?!?!? London, perhaps? Ugh. I think I'm going to REALLY make an effort to not talk on my phone while driving anymore. I don't want to be a bad driver. I've noticed way too many bad moves made by people on cell phones. It's not good.


Blogger Ann said...

Seriously. I don't think people realize how erratically they drive while they're on the phone. It's scar they don't even realize it.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Ann said...

Scary. I meant to type "scary" there.

9:01 AM  

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