Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Sunday, December 25, 2005

"Uh, there's a frog in the toilet"

The above was a first for me. You hear these urban legends of snakes coming up through pipes and into bathtubs, eating 2 year olds and disappearing. But you never think you're gonna see an actual frog (it wasn't huge but it was definitely a frog) swimming in a toilet. We flushed him. I think my uncle got some footage of it on his videocamera before he took the big swirl in the sky.

I like Christmas here. They don't decorate until after Thanksgiving. And there isn't a whole lot of trying to outdo each other between houses. It was 65 and sunny today with a nice, cool wind. Unfortunately a lot of things are closed on Sundays but when Christmas falls on a Sunday, EVERYTHING is closed. I was glad for the scrooges at Walgreens. They had batteries which we needed desperately. Yay!

Merry Christmas Y'all!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Gotta love southern women...

They're naturally good cooks and tend to know a lot about football. That to me is a perfect mix of qualities.

We just had a hallway holiday brunch which was very very good. There were a few really good casseroles, some great desserts and of course, my mom's wonderful spinach dip which I now know how to make all on my own. I'm a big girl now!

I'm pleasantly full but definitely didn't overdo it. The problem is that it's rainy and cold out and now I have a full tummy. It's hard to keep my eyes open. All I want is a nap!!!! I'm very close to slapping myself to stay awake. I think I'll try splashing cold water before I resort to self-assault.

Monday, December 12, 2005


I had a very nice digital camera. I bought it back when 4.0 was brand new. Now of course a 4.0 is pretty obsolete but it's such a nice camera. The last time I used it was at the Napoleon Dynamite party we threw for the kids at my old chruch. That was last February. I've gone almost a year without my camera. Luckily I've been able to borrow my mom's camera on occasion and I've bought disposable ones to use as well. When I went home for Thanksgiving I looked all over my parent's place in hopes to find it. No such luck. It's not the camera I was upset about but the memory card inside. I had pics on there from Kenya which was YEARS ago. For some reason I never downloaded all of them onto my computer. I know now to get those pics off the memory card and into my computer ASAP.

Well last night I spoke to my parents and my dad was all excited to tell me he found my camera. They were going to wrap it up and give it to me for Christmas which I think would have been very funny. The camera was in a place I had already looked so yeah, I'm a bit of a dumbass. Anyway I get my camera back on Wednesday and I'm so excited. So this weekend, I'll be putting all my pics on my computer.

But the really big news, my roommate was cleaning out her stuff and gave me two handbags that she didn't want anymore. One is a cute pink one that will be great for summer. The other is a smallish Louis Vuitton bag that she didn't think was real. After close inspection, I'm almost positive it's real. Her ex-fiance's mother gave it to her and her ex-fiance's family is loaded. I finally have a LV bag. Not that labels matter to me. HA!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A new kind of game...

I was just called ma'am 11 times in the span of a 4 minute conversation. Yes, I've made a game of this. It's waaaaay better than the game I played at work in LA. That game consisted of how many times the radio station played a Red Hot Chili Peppers song between the hours of 8am and 4pm. I swear to you they played it at the top of each hour one day just to spite me (I had filled out a questionnaire they sent me the day before).