Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, December 28, 2007

The stars at night are big and bright...

I'm really enjoying my stay in Texas. It's chilly and I'm loving it. I've been hanging out, knitting, playing with Loki (Dana's dog), watching the first season of Psych, messing with Dana's Roomba, and a little shopping. They have a Dillard's outlet here that has amazing deals. I got a Jones NY seersucker skirt for $12 that retailed for $75. Dana got a duvet cover for $32 which retailed for over $200. Great deals.

Oh and I tried my first rutabaga. I'm a new woman. Look out world!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Big News!

Yes, Ann has had a baby and we're all thrilled but did you know that Lost will now be on Thursdays at 9pm? Ok, so it's only 8 episodes but they're coming back. So Ann, make sure Lil J is in bed at 9 and that you're well rested enough to stay awake until 10 on Thursday nights!

In unrelated news: How much am I loving that Spears Jr. is pregnant! I'm an awful, terrible person. Hahahaha!

Oh and today is my last day for two whole weeks! I love the holidays!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Welcome to the world Lil J!!!

Congrats Ann and Jeremiah on the arrival of Lil J (the nickname is sticking...sorry!). 6lbs 14oz and 19" of fun arrived on Saturday. That's almost exactly my size when I was born. Anyway I love you guys and wish you all the best!

Friday, December 14, 2007

It's funny because she's CRAZY

Hahahahahahahaha....ok breathe...hahahahahahaha. Woo! I needed that.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas, Texas style

So thanks to an unexpected Christmas bonus, a friend alone in a new house & new city, and oddly cheap flights I'm going to Dallas on Christmas day. I leave here at 7:40 am and get to Dallas at 9:45 am. It's a DIRECT flight! There are maybe 3 direct flights out of Charleston ever so I'm feeling pretty blessed. Dana and I will bake, shop, watch movies, bake more, move furniture and play with her dog Loki. It'll be a nice week even though I'm upsetting my parentals by leaving on Christmas day. Oh well. There will be other Christmases where I'm stuck at home with the dreaded uncle.

This will be a nice gift to myself.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Could today be the day?

It's almost 9 and no word from Ann yet. It could be that they had snow and she didn't have to go to work today. It could be that she had a morning meeting and hasn't had a chance to email or post a blog. It could be that she's decided to forgo the use of electronics in protest until Britney Spears cleans up her act. If it's the latter, it was nice emailing you every day. I'll start writing you actual letters now and invest in some stamps. A friend from work was due right around when Ann is due and she had her baby last night. Just saying...

Just heard from Ann. I'm glad you're ok!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Perhaps a change of plan

I might switch my degree program to the masters in social science. First I need to figure out exactly what I would do with a masters in social science (social worker? I can't do that). Right now I really like my job and would like to stay here for a while. If I continue with the school counseling degree I'd have to quit and do my practicum and internship. Plus, after speaking with a local counselor she advised that the job isn't what we think it is. She said she spends over 80% of her time doing paperwork. Sure, that's standard for a lot of jobs but it isn't why I want to be a school counselor. Ok, a masters in social science is kind of a bullshit degree but it'd still be a masters. Plus two of the classes I've taken here are in the program so really the only one I didn't need was this recent one but I did learn a lot so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

So now I just need to figure this out in the next week or so.

Friday, December 07, 2007

4.0 No Mo'

Well I got a B+ in my class. That's actually pretty good considering what a slacker I was this semester. So now I have a 3.8333. Hopefully that was my last B.

And on the last night of class I got talking with a girl who is an only child, like me, and has the same issues living with people that I have. As it turns out, she's in a 3-bedroom townhouse in Mt. Pleasant. The rent is really good and one of her roommates is moving out in May to get married. So I told her we should keep in touch this coming semester.

If that doesn't work out then there's a backup plan. Sadly the backup plan does not include living with Bill Murray :(

Thursday, December 06, 2007

We're all matchy today

My GA, Danielle, and I match again today. Black shoes, black pants, white shirt, black v-neck sweater. Her shirt is a button-down while mine is a long-sleeved tee. We're so cool.

I had my last class last night and it feels damn good to be done with that class. I actually think I did well on the exam too! Oh and I think I found somewhere for me to live starting in May. The drive home wasn't bad which was a blessing considering how much traffic I sat in this past Friday. Then I get home and there's spaghetti & meatballs waiting for me! It was a good night.

Monday, December 03, 2007


Ha! My quest to take over the world (starting with the east coast) is moving along nicely. Ok, my quest to take over this department is going well but the east coast stuff is slow going. Anywhoodle, my love of nicknames has caught on in this department. Professor Swoon is now administering nicknames to office equipment.

Not much to report. Classes are winding down and everyone is scurrying to register for spring. I thought my job would be slow now too but that couldn't be further from the truth. But it's good, I like being busy. There's got to be something going on in my life. Oh! I have my final on Wednesday night. I'm glad that class is almost over. The big issue is that my exam is at 5 and it won't take me more than 45 minutes to take it. So then I'm stuck on one of the busiest roads in all of Charleston right at rush hour. Friday night I took this route home and it took me an hour and 25 minutes when it typically should have taken 20 minutes. There is an outlet mall nearby so maybe I'll go there after my exam. The things I do to avoid traffic!