Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm back, baby!

I'm finally back at work today. I had taken last Thursday and Friday as my mandatory furlough days and am glad that I did. Thursday afternoon, 1:34pm to be exact, I started to have pain in my, uh, nethers. Actually it started down there and radiated up through my abdomen. I was soon in bad shape...cold sweats, temperature of 95.9 (weird, right?), shivers, aches, weakness, etc. I would have immediately thought swine flu but the pain in the nethers led me to either a UTI or a kidney stone. I called my (incredibly hot) doctor and got in there to meet with him an hour later. I barely managed a shower and had that 'I could possibly faint right now' feeling which was fun. I got to my doctor and was unable to provide a sample so he and I went back and forth on the kidney stone vs. UTI thing. Since I didn't have the blinding pain in my kidney area like the last time I had a stone I didn't think it could possibly be a stone. Hot Doctor suggested scoping me but the thought of him anywhere near that area made me want to hide in a corner. He prescribed me some drugs including an antibiotic because most people end up with a UTI post kidney stone anyway. Well the antibiotic helped because my temp went back to normal on Friday and I wasn't having the cold sweats and aches anymore. After doing some research on the interweb I decided it probably is a kidney stone and deferred to hot doctor's opinion.

But can we talk abdomen pain here for a moment? You guys are all moms, what does your tummy feel like post delivery? I can't believe a tiny little stone could cause that much pain. I couldn't watch anything remotely funny because even a small laugh made me double over in pain. Yeesh.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The price is wrong, bitch.

There's just something about watching The Price is Right on a day off.

I'm not sure what to do with myself today so I think I'll do nothing. I have plans for tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday and Monday but today is a nothing day. I have a feeling it'll go by really fast which is a shame. It'd be nice if it'd go by slow so I could savor it.

Monday we're attempting a Lowcountry boil which I'm really looking forward to. Tomorrow and Saturday I'll be catching movies. Tomorrow is Night at the Museum 2 with mom and Saturday I'll be seeing Terminator, uh, Terminator 4(?) by myself. You know, I don't even think I saw Terminator 3. Wasn't Claire Danes in that? That's probably why I didn't see it. Freaking Claire Danes. I dislike her almost as much as I dislike Gwyneth or Winona. Sorry, got off track. Saturday morning I'm taking Dad down to the marina so he can take some pictures. Photography is a good hobby to have. Speaking of which, I need to find my camera.

Anywhoodle, I hope you all have a lovely Memorial Day weekend! Stay tuned for movie reviews.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Damn my metabolism and bad genes

Starting a dietary cleanse in the midst of one's, um, monthly cycle is not a good idea. Not only am I desperate for chocolate but I'm craving salty, crunchy food too. Thankfully I found rice crackers at the overpriced organic grocery store this weekend and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they don't taste like card stock. Yum.

Thankfully I'm only doing this cleanse one week and will reintroduce the salted nuts I'm allowed on the (amended) low carb diet. I say amended because I refuse to limit my fruit. And I think I'll let myself have bread a couple of times a week. But get this, I'm giving up red meat for a few months. We'll see how that goes. I'm like the queen of the cheeseburgers so this will certainly be a test of my character. I'll allow myself a turkey burger once in a while because a life without burgers is no life at all.

Meanwhile I have a dish of tropical Starbursts sitting a foot away from me and I'm being very strong right now. They're not heckling me yet but I fully expect taunting from those little, chewy pieces of joy by the end of the week.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm so suggestable

Er, suggestible. Whichever it is, I now want to watch She's All That. Thanks, Fug Girls.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This is a task I can accomplish

I've decided I'm going to see one new movie every weekend this summer. The only reason I feel comfortable with this is thanks to the cheap theater by my house. It's $2.75 for a matinee (which could go up to 3 whole dollars!) and that's right in my price range. I will report on each movie every Monday. Once in a while I'll go to my new favorite theater with Kate and Jenna but mostly I'll be going to the cheap theater alone. Well I'm thinking Mom will join me for Inglorious Basterds. She's a sucker for war movies and Tarantino movies so I'm guessing that one will be right up her alley.

I was going to start with yesterday's mention of Star Trek as the first movie but I'm going to try and see it again this weekend so I don't think that counts as one new movie a weekend. Well then I'll start Memorial Day weekend with Terminator and go from there. That's when summer technically starts right? (even though it's felt like summer in Charleston for a couple of weeks now.)

Monday, May 11, 2009

I love a good weekend

Mostly my weekends consist of (typically) hanging out with Kate and Jenna on Friday nights and then laundry and DVR'd shows the rest of the weekend. Oh and a trip to Walmart for groceries is usually done as well. This past weekend was filled with lots of great stuff in addition to my usual stuff.

Friday was the Long Grey Line parade and it was enjoyable but hot. Then after parade Kate, Jenna and I went to my new favorite theater to see Star Trek. What a great movie! They used a lot of the famous lines and really did a great job of honoring the original without being too cheesy. The theater was great and I plan on going back there often. Plus their menu reads like one of my Oscar parties. If you're wondering, and I'm sure you are, I had the Fight Club without Swiss.

Saturday I hung out on the beach for an hour and then met up with Ashley, Mark, & Eva Cate; Rebecca, Steve, & Ralla; Ashley's parents; Reba's parents, and Reba's siblings, Edwin, Franklin, & Rhiannon. It was Rhiannon's graduation so it was nice to see everyone. We had a fun day of just hanging out.

Sunday I got to sleep in until 6:30am! I did some stuff around the house and then got our little Mother's Day event going. Oh, wait, let me back up. We had decided to do a full English tea for mother's day. We're used to having some sort of savory like quiche with a full tea. We used to be able to buy a box of frozen mini quiches but apparently those don't exist in the greater Summerville area. I went to Walmart, Food Lion, BiLo, and Piggly Wiggly and all I could find at each store was a box of spinach puffs. I like those things but, according to my mother, my grandmother can't eat a lot of green, leafy veggies which is why I was on a hunt for the mini quiches. So I end up with the spinach puffs and my grandmother says she can't wait to eat them and that she'd be totally fine. Thanks, Mom. Anyway the tea was a hit and we had a lovely time. I think both my mom and grandmother had a nice mother's day and that's what that's about, isn't it?

This coming weekend I'm going to do a partial repeat. Saturday I'm taking mom to the beach and to see Star Trek at the new favorite theater. Yay!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Well my favorites aren't here...

...but this is a pretty damn good list.

My favorite line is from the John Cusack classic, Better off Dead:
"It's a damn shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy."

My other favorite is kinda gross so I'm gonna leave it off of here. Curious now, aren't ya?