Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Life would be horrible without the 'net

Seriously! I think I'd be a less happy person without things like the Muppets Studio Channel on YouTube. The Bohemian Rhapsody video is quite possibly one of the best things I've seen in a long time. Thank goodness for the world wide interweb!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I love a good mini-break

Today is my Friday. Then next Tuesday is my Monday and possibly my Friday as well. I'm headed to Raleigh tomorro for a weekend of girlie type fun with my pseudo-sister, Dana. We're taking a jewelry making class Friday, possibly going to see roller derby on Saturday, and Twilight 2 on Sunday. Speaking of bad, teen melodrama...Dana and I were each given a Burger King crown in honor of Twilight at Comic Con. Mine says TEAM EDWARD (natch) and Dana's is a TEAM JACOB. We were joking about wearing them to the movie. We're all talk though. Back to my weekend, there will also be shopping, drinking, more fun jewelry-making, and a trip to Trader Joe's. Good times!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I see Blue! He looks glorious.

I just saw a woman wearing a big coat and earmuffs (EARMUFFS!). It's like 55 degrees out with high humidity so it actually feels a bit warmer than that. I'd hate to see what she puts on when it's actually cold outside.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Things could be worse

There is one part of my job that I detest and what makes it worse is that I know it's a good program for the students. Anyway it's been especially difficult this year even though by the end of last year I was in the process of trying to make this year easier. No matter how hard I try to make things go smoothly there is one person who keeps throwing up roadblocks. It doesn't help that he's an alum of this school (they're an interesting sort), a lawyer (strike 2) and, um, may suffer from short man syndrome (strike 3). Anyway I think I've solved the big problem for this trip and it looks like we're cancelling trip 3. So I have some time to work out kinks for trip 4 which is later next semester.

In the meantime, in order to battle the slight depression about work, home, etc. that I've been having, I've decided to go back to the gym for real. Oh and I've giving up red meat again. And I'm going to dive into reading, hobbies, etc. I'm trying to find a way to love work again but I've been here over 4 years here and I get antsy. I feel like I'm not my best at work and I don't like that feeling. Any suggestions?

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Again with the heat...

The chiller seems to be broken or the lunatics managing the HVAC on campus don't care that it's still in the 70s with 90-something percent humidity. I bet it's cooler outside than it is in here. I used to love fall but fall here is like early summer in a lot of other places. Our winter is everyone else's fall. Can you tell I'm getting tired of the southeast?