Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday strikes again

It's raining pretty heavily right now. This makes the fact that I'm having tire problems even more fun. I got out to my car and the indicator for the tire was on. I stopped at the first gas station I saw and filled up one tire that seemed really low. Then I had time to check one other tire that didn't seem low but was according to the gauge. The indicator light was still on so I decided to not get to work on time but get my tires looked at. I have a feeling this is going to be at least a $200 visit to the tire place. Great.

Oh and we had an earthquake this weekend. It was only a 3.2 but it was located right in Summerville and was strong enough to sit me straight up in bed. There wasn't any damage but it's interesting to know that we live in a place that has hurricanes, earthquakes and the occasional (but small) tornado. Great.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I've recently become addicted to UNO on facebook. I've noticed a few things whilst playing. One is that it's a very global game. I've played with people from Mexico, various countries in South America, Denmark, India, Germany, Austria, and a few Middle Eastern countries. Not only do ALL these people know fluent English but they're fluent in text speak too. It makes me feel very lazy. I have to laugh at myself because I get annoyed when the people you're playing with try to chat. I just want to play UNO and I don't care if Anna from Dusseldorf has a boyfriend, err, bf. Or is bf best friend? I'm so old.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


I'm taking my last in-class exam tonight. Then I have a 7-page paper (no big deal) and a case study to work on and that's it. I'm going to be done in a week.

Oh and earlier today, on MSN, they had a picture of Nicole Kidman and some article (that I didn't read) about how she has great skin. Plus they suggested that Madonna might have some tips too. Uh, those are not the women I'd use in a great skin at any age type article. Kidman avoids the sun at all costs and has botoxed herself to within an inch of her life (allegedly). Madonna, while her face kinda looks good for someone her age, has also (allegedly) had some face work done here and there. Sadly the article is gone or I'd link to it. I bet the comments on it were pretty funny. Damn me and my selective interweb reading.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Company-wide emails

These always make me giggle. I thought everyone knew to read messages out loud before circulating them to the entire staff:

Starting Monday August 3, 2009 the physical plant will be remodeling room 206. We will be using the elevator to remove debris and bring up materials. We will be as disruptive as possible but there will be some noise.