Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, January 27, 2006

Hooked on a Feeling?

My sides hurt. I suggest we all use this as being perfect for rescuing what may have been a horrible day. I hope this never ever goes away:


$10 says he directed the thing too. Did you notice the weiner dog by his feet in most of the video?

Yay me!

Ok, so I do have little crushes on some of these boys. Most of them are 21 or older so it's not despicable or anything. But I'm happy to report that my two latest crushes are on actual men who work here. Men who appear to be unattached. One is in ITS and the other works directly with the cadets.

The IT guy is tall, mid 30s with salt and pepper hair and is quite attractive. He's quiet but I can tell he's got a good sense of humor. I always start the conversations but he's always got something good to say. The one huge strike against him is that he's a smoker. And not that I've ever *seen* him smoke but I've actually smelled it on his clothes. ICK! I hate that.

The other guy is this skinny, semi-attractive, incredibly friendly guy who is a graduate of our illustrious institution. I was introduced to him at a lunch and before I could say anything he said, "We've met. On your tour the first week." I replied, "Exactly" and thanked the woman who was trying to introduce us. Honestly I can't remember meeting him but that day was a haze of a ton of people. He's cute in a hobbit kind of way if that makes sense. He's taller than me but not by much. Well I was on the phone with him about something the other day (the only converstaion we've had) and had him rolling. Then later I spotted him through double doors that were about 20 feet away and he waved. Now every time someone mentions his name I smile to myself.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006



I actually have nothing to write about but I just wanted to say "seriously."

I didn't like Lost tonight. That was a first.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Uh, OK.

So I pass a Goodwill on my way to work. There's a big sign (with moveable letters) out front that typically says something basic like "Donate Your Goods" or something timely if it's near a holiday. Well yesterday it said, "Donate Your Good Weed to Goodwill." Catchy, no? Unsurprisingly, today it was back to "Donate Your Goods." I wonder if they got any donations yesterday and if so, what did they do with it? Are the homeless people of North Charleston jonesing for Funions today?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Isn't It Ironic...

...dontcha think?

Two men, aged 50 and 36, who had taken a taxicab home so they wouldn't be driving drunk, were killed when the cab was hit by a 21-year-old drunken driver (Albuquerque, November).

Friday, January 13, 2006

The Boys Are Back In Town (and a few girls too)

This was the first week of classes for the cadets. I've seen my three favorite guys almost every day this week. One of them even popped up on the news last night for some bill that (hopefully) won't get passed about prayer before meals. This place isn't nearly as fun when the kids aren't here. This summer will suck I'm sure. And now I'll just have to learn to like the juniors as much as the guys that are graduating.

I burned my hand with my curling iron early in the week and it's not looking much better. The weird thing is that there are tiny specks of brown (no they aren't freckles) on top of the pinkish area. Is that normal?

So unofficially it's Friday the 13th. That usually means they play the movies on like USA really late at night. I remember staying up late one Friday the 13th to watch a bunch of them at my friend Cindy's house. She lived on a farm and it was pretty freaking quiet there. Well her dad, around 1am in the morning, decided he was going to get us. At the time, the couch in her family room backed up to the sliding door to the back yard. He managed to go outside, around the back and in through the sliding door completely undetected. He popped up behind us and scared the crap out of both of us. Her little brothers came around the corner and were dying laughing. Apparently one of them had snuck past us when we had our eyes covered in fright and unlocked the sliding door for him. Good times.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Whatever!

My grandmother gave me a beautiful weekly desk calendar that features photos of Italy. Italy is high up on my list of places to travel to before I kick the proverbial bucket. Anywho, this calendar is very extensive with its listing of various holidays in differing countries. Today is the Feast of the Epiphany and also Three Kings' Day. Monday is Eid Al Adha (which begins at sundown) and also Coming of Age Day in Japan. Those horny Japanese boys must love Coming of Age Day. You know, unless of course it consists of watching John Hughes movies. Do the brat pack movies qualify as 'coming of age'?

Anyway, I'm pleased that I'll now be well informed of the holidays of countries (please note the abbreviations used by the calendar) like South Africa (ZAF), Switzerland (CHE), and the whole of the Northern Hemisphere (N Hem). I guess there are some holidays when the Southern Hemisphere (S Hem) can't be bothered.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


You'd think we were living in Bosnia or the Sudan or whatever war-torn country is popular right now. The fireworks on New Year's Eve put the 4th of July ones to shame. It was insanity. They started right around dark and went on until around 1am. I really wouldn't have noticed it as much but the dogs noticed and KC, the bigger of the two, was beyond freaked out. She hopped right up on the couch with me and shook the entire thing because she was shivering so bad. I hope she gets used to it. Either that or she and I will be taking short vacations to a cabin in the woods 2x a year.

Everyone keeps wishing me a Happy New Year. I'm not that big on New Year's because it always means my birthday is less than 2 months away. I hate my birthday.