Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I'm sleepy today. I think I stayed up too late all weekend. I made the mistake of going to see X3 yesterday. It was OK but not worth the $6 I paid. Oh well.

I tried to donate platelets on Saturday. It's an interesting process. You get to sit in a big reclining chair (more like an exam chair and less like a Lazy-Boy) and watch a movie from an attached video screen. You have one tube in each arm which are attached to a big machine. The machine processes the blood coming out, separates it and sends the red stuff back into with a protein mixture I believe. Well when I was about 40% done, I started to get very icky. We had our employee appreciation day on Thursday which was spent out on the beach. Needless to say I got some color that day. Well once I started to not feel so hot, the nurses noticed. I think the pink drained right out of my face. My nurse/tech was named Connie. She was very nice but had nicotine stained fingers, really bad teeth and an over bleached blonde mullet. Sweet! Connie stopped the process and got me a Diet Coke. She reassured me that they had enough 'product' so I wasn't to worry about it. I really did have a moment of trying to figure out if the woozyness would pass. So I'm not going to be donating platelets or plasma ever again. I'll just stick to the blood even though you don't get to watch a movie.

Friday, May 26, 2006

I won golf balls...

The way to keep employees at one of those 'required fun' events is to have door prizes. Yesterday they were giving away all sorts of things, mostly stuff donated from the gift shop. When they announced the set of 9 golf balls, I thought to myself, 'that'll be what I win.' And I did. There are three red ones with the SC flag on them (the palmetto tree with the crescent moon). There are three light blue ones (school color) and three white ones with the bulldog on them (school mascot). Golf balls. Yay me.

The event was held at the Citadel Beach House out on Isle of Palms. A bunch of us took a long walk on the beach which was lovely but I ended up with the biggest blisters on my heels. The sand was pretty hard where we were walking so I'm guessing that's what did it. My poor feet. I feel so sorry for myself. But I have those golf balls to cheer me up!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Such a shame!

The tragedy of the bird flu...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

You anti-semantic bastard

House is a really well written show. I like that there's pretty much one TV show a night that I really enjoy watching. I'm a wee bit confused right now though. But the writing is AWESOME.

American Idol was OK. I think that there isn't much better than Katherine singing Somewhere Over The Rainbow. But that final song?!?!?! Awful. She was flat. It was way too low for her in parts. I think Taylor is going to win this one.


I wish I had more guts 'cause I would buy these and put them up all over the place. Needless to say, the 'Hammer Time' is my favorite. Though they forgot 'In the name of love'.

Monday, May 22, 2006


This is one of those times where you feel good about being right but then you also feel bad about being right. My little work crush is gay. Or so I was told by my bi friend at work. She mentioned something in passing about his boyfriend like I knew that he was gay. Soooo not surprised. Slightly disappointed but not surprised. Well I hope Smokey the IT guy is straight!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Um, what?

I'm sorry, their names are what? My parents went to a kid's birthday last night. They have more of a social life than I do but whatever. Anyway they're telling me about the cousins of the birthday boy. Their names are Rook and Raven. Yup. Rook is the boy and Raven is the girl. Granted the women's names in the south are strange but Rook?

Friday, May 19, 2006

Iiiiieeeeeyyyiiiii will always love yoooooou!

Ok, I admit it, I love celebs and their craziness. But there is a point where my heart starts to break for some of them and their misguided attempts at holding onto beauty. I bet Nicole Kidman would have been a GORGEOUS 60 year old but now we'll never know.

This is just scary. I wonder if she and Michael Jackson have the same horrible plastic surgeon. So is it called plastic surgery because the intent is to make people look like plastic?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Bye Daaawwg!

On our walk last night, KC met a cute 3 year old boy who sounded like Randy Jackson if he were a white toddler.

I've got some things to look forward to in June. Since the trip to Cancun is off I need some thing to get me excited. The first weekend I'm going to DC to visit the Marshley. Miss Ashrey and I are volunteering at the Komen National Race for the Cure. As soon as I get over the fact that we have to report there at 5am, I'll REALLY be excited. No idea what we'll do the rest of the weekend but I definitely see a nap happening that afternoon.

The second weekend, I've decided I need to go to a Riverdogs game. I've picked June 10th because it's Bill Murray Bobblehead night. Nice.

I'm open for suggestions for weekends 3-4. The Gibbes Museum is doing a Hopper exhibit but I may wait until July or August for that.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sooooo SAD!!!

Well according to my source's sources, Everwood won't be coming back next year. That sucks.

Monday, May 15, 2006

"I've seen a filmstrip"

YAY FRED!!!! Fred was on How I Met Your Mother tonight. I love Fred. I hear she's a bitch on Alias. Ted should be with her instead. Ha! Ted and Fred! Get it?!?! Do guys only make the big gesture(s) on TV?


I need to stop at the drug store and pick up the latest Vanity Fair with my (gay) news crush, Anderson Cooper. He's yummy. There was an ad in Rolling Stone for CNN that had a cool pic of him in bed and on his laptop. It listed his on-the-road playlist. We have very similar taste in music.

We had some bad storms yesterday. KC didn't handle it all that well but kept her barking to a minimum. Poor thing. The hail sounded like ping pong balls. There was a ton of lightening which I get a kick out of. We were supposed to have a tornado but I don't know if any actually happened. It's fun being back in a part of the country that has actual weather and not just mudslides and fires.

Not much else to report. The president and his admin assistant (my supervisor) are out this week so I'm planning on getting the filing under control.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Just perfect!

I cried, I laughed, I made little squeely noises and clapped like a fool. It was everything I could have hoped for. Misdirection (Jan and Jim? Nahhhh!), satisfaction (Toby beating Michael at just one hand of poker), twists (aww, he's going to tell her he's transferring...uh maybe not), tenderness (No Jim, don't cry!) and complete and total gratification (HE'S GOING TO KISS HER!!!!!!). I'm so glad they cut before either of them could say anything.

I'd give anything to post a picture of that kiss. I LOVE JIM!!!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


I had an outfit planned last night but decided not to wear it this morning. Instead I threw on a pair of khaki pants that I haven't worn in a while and a black v-neck sweater. Sure, it's going to be 80 out today but I'm not ready to give up the sweaters yet. It's a thin sweater so it's fine. Anywho I get into work and realize I'm not the only one in black and tan. Brigitte is also in a v-neck black top with tan pants. Ann and Eric both have on nice, black shirts with tan pants. Jane has on a black sweater set with brown pants which kind of match Pat's brown top with khaki pants. Then there's Debra who is wearing a brown top and a tan skirt with black flowers on it. Patricia rounded us out with black pants, black and tan top and tan blazer. Sadly Debra didn't want to be in the picture. Whatever.

And I just saw Barbara from Admissions and she's wearing black pants and a tan top.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


I just about peed myself when I read this...

Too funny!

Oh and I thought our dear Jess was the only person who said "Oh my Gah". My friend at work does too and I'm trying to find a way to stop her.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Son of a mother f*ing bitch!!!! Ow!

My futon attacked me. Again. Ok, so it didn't attack me per se. Ok, so I kind of walked into the arm but still!!! Within 2 minutes of me doing it a very large bruise and lump showed up. Plus last night I walked into my vanity and have a bruise/scratch on my upper thigh on the other leg. I'm a mess. Oh and I have 6 bug bites which would be fine except that they're all on my right calf.

In other news, my bathroom looks very cool. As soon as I have this one painting hung, I'll take a pic and post it.

I wonder what I should wear to work tomorrow.

Oh and...

My cousin decided to get her kids some goldfish. One for each kid. Since Zoe is too young to speak actual words, Cade had the responsibility of naming both fish. Zoe's fish was a pretty yellowish-orange and he named it 'Tulip'. Good choice seeing as that's my favorite flower. His fish is one of those black ones with the bulgy eyes. My first fish was that exact kind and I named him 'Fonzie'. Cade named his, 'B.U.I'. Not 'Bui' but the letters 'B', 'U', and 'I'. Odd. Creative as heck, but odd.

Can't decide which I dislike more... name or the people who can't spell/pronounce it. My boss sent out a note that had it spelled "Alyissa" Ummmm, huh?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Chinese de Mayo

I'm having chinese for dinner on cinco de mayo. I'd rather be having, chips, guacamole and huge margaritas. Oh well.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Just had to post some pics from Easter. These are my cousin's kids, Cade and Zoe. Cade calls Zoe "Wee" which I think is adorable. And I've become "WeeSah".

"I think we can make our escape through there"

The Lamb Cake!

Monday, May 01, 2006

In need of a reality check

Holy cow! My iPod froze on my way home from work and I just about cried. I could write an article titled "When you love your stuff too much..." I had heard rumblings that this could happen so I immediately Googled the words 'iPod frozen'. The search gave me results numbering over 3 million.

Mayday! Mayday! She's going down...

I can't believe it's almost officially summer. Time flies when you're, well, old.

Not much to report. My weekend was pretty relaxing. I got to see my cousins 2x which was nice. I took some long walks with KC since the weather was so perfect. Yesterday I did a lot of cleaning which was long overdue.

It's going to be strange not being in LA for Cinco de Mayo. Not that I'm a huge partier but it was always a good time.

My nails are in bad shape. They're a good length but a few of them are peeling really bad. Guess it's time to cut 'em. Maybe I'll be gross like Perfume Pat and do it at my desk. If that's the case, then I'll wait until someone's eating just to add that little extra something special.