Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Things are ok...

I'm sleepy today. I even went to bed 30 mins before I did the night before. Weird. My dad is dragging me to a football game on Saturday but beyond that I think I'm going to be doing stuff around the house. There's still a lot to be unpacked and organized. I have a free standing wardrobe in my room and it's tilting. I had one before but it was navy blue and didn't go with my decor. Apparently that was the sturdier one. So I'm going to switch covers and hope that works. Not having a closet is problematic.

I saw this and thought it was very cool.

Oh and...


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

That's (still) hot!

It's finally starting to cool off down here. I watched the Weather Channel this morning and saw that Florida is still in the 90s. That would irritate me. Our lows are finally down in the 60s so that's good. I can't wait until the highs are in the 60s. I have so many sweaters that I love and I can't wait to wear them! It was in the high 90s this past Saturday but this coming Saturday looks like it'll be in the mid 70s. It's funny to think of 66% humidity as being low but alas, here, that's low. My hair will be grateful.

Monday, September 25, 2006

I already loathe today

Bad night's sleep. Doctor's appointment. Annoying co-workers. Plus it's Monday. ONLY MONDAY!!!! Not a good day.

I was creative this morning so that felt good.

I need to clean my desk area. It's icky.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Kidney stone? UTI?

Stop! You're both right.

So I woke up just before midnight on Sunday night with BLINDING pain in my side. This was the first time I was truly glad to be living with my parents. My mom happened to still be awake and once she saw me, she said, "We're going to the hospital." Poor thing had to drive my car there (no power seats which proved difficult) but luckily it's like 3 minutes from my house. Of course they couldn't give me anything until they could check my urine. Well I couldn't urinate because I just had done so at the house thinking that would get rid of the pain. So there I am, writhing in pain and willing myself to, well, you know. I finally did after two cups of water and they found blood in the urine. So before I was hooked up to an IV, my dinner decided to come back up. That was fun. Next up, CAT scan! I never had one of those before. Finally around 2:45am, the doctor came in to discuss the CAT scan. Not only did they find a small stone but I have a cyst on my kidney that was nothing to worry about. Alrighty, if you say so. Plus they threw in the fact that my right ovary is not only enlarged but attached to my uterus. Fascinating.

I'm guessing this is more than anyone needed to know about me, eh? Anyway, I've been dealing with lots and lots of residual pain. One weird one is a sore tummy that feels like I've done 1,000 crunches. That's better today but was pretty painful yesterday.

I'm really, really looking forward to being all better. Especially now that it's fall, my favorite time of the year!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Can someone call Safety Bob?!?!?!

I pinched my thumb in our awful file cabinets this morning. This isn't the first time and we've been chatting about needing new ones anyway. So now we're definitely getting new ones. But in the meantime, I have a blood blister on my thumb and it's making me sad. I'd love it if they realized I'm having a hard time typing so then they'd send me home. Never happen!

Anyway I can't remember, do you pop a blood blister or leave it alone?

My poor dog KC had an awful time going down the stairs this morning and it really scared me. She did this half crawl/half slide thing. I'm not sure if she rushed and lost her balance or if she was still sleepy or if she's just actually getting old.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm starting to loathe titles

There's too much self-inflicted pressure to come up with a witty title for a post.

I watched House with the folks last night and at one point my mom urgently said, "Rewind it!" My father obliged and mom then said, "Look at the lower right side of the desk." On the right side of Wilson's desk, under a lamp, was a game my uncle invented. It was cool to see it but sad at the same time. My uncle got a patent for it and everything but went into business with the wrong guy. Said guy basically robbed my uncle of millions. They went to court but I never really heard what happened. The whole thing is depressing. Never sign anything without letting a lawyer look at it. But my uncle was thrilled to see it on TV and was even thinking that perhaps they pick it up and play with it between takes.

Monday, September 11, 2006

How very un-patriotic of us!

I've been getting calls this morning because they apparently forgot to play the national anthem (does that get capitalized?) before the game. I had one guy call and say, "I want the name of the person who said NO to playing the anthem!" Like someone just decided that we didn't want it played anymore. You know, it's an old song, kind of passé, we'll play a national anthem when they can write one that's more now. Something more appealing to today's culture. Something where people would get all the words right. The aforementioned gentleman also mentioned how upset he was when we 'took away Dixie' but this was the worst! Can you seriously imagine a college, nay, a MILITARY college purposely not playing the national anthem? C'mon people! So what I'm saying is, "It was an incredibly unfortunate and unintentional oversight. We are working to find out what went wrong so it will never happen again." I think what happened is that the new Regimental Commander (head cadet dude) messed up, plain and simple.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sweet Fancy Moses!!!

Oh. My. Gunn.

I can't believe they're for sale! If anyone wanted to get me this for Christmas I'd be so tickled. Of course the thing I've been lusting almost as much is way too much money but it says "Carry On" for pete's sake!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

This is very important...

The hobbit just emailed a picture of the damage Tropical Storm Ernesto caused in the Charleston area.

Ready for it?

It's very shocking

I don't know if I've prepared you enough

Ok, here goes

Yay! The week is almost over!!!

I had a great time with Debra and the Hobbit last night. Lots of laughs, lots of drinks and some really good tacos. I found out that I have a slightly dirtier mind then he does. I guess that's not something to be proud of but what can you do? When weren't complaining about work we were cracking up at all sorts of stuff. It's nice to get out and do something once in a while. I just wish I had the money to do it more often.

Did I mention I got my car back? It kind of smells. Of course the pesimist in me thinks it smells because they didn't actually do anything to my car besides leave vaccuum marks on the carpet. I sprayed it with Febreeze this morning but wished I had Febreezed it yesterday since I was the driver for our outing. Oh well.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So glad it's Wednesday

I had a good lunch (faculty/staff lunch - salute to Beaufort Shrimp Festival) but I went with two girls that are dating so now a bunch of people think I'm a lesbian. Meh, they could think worse things about me. We were the only people at a large table for 8 and people actually looked at us, like a lot. I'm used to being invisible so that was weird.

Then tonight I get (supposedly) real Mexican food with Debra and the Hobbit. Yay! This better be fun. Wait, it IS going to be fun.

My dad is feeling inspired about finding a job so that's good.

Mom went to my hot doc today. Her words, "Boy is he cute!" My response, "I know, right?!?!" He said, "Give your daughter my regards." Not exactly "Give your daughter my number" but that's ok.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Music to my ears, literally

Ahhhh, the melodious sounds of bagpipes. It makes my Scottish blood run happy and fast! The band was practicing walking, er, marching to football stadium. I love that we have a pipeband. Our past few parades have been rained out so I'm itching to see these kids marching around. Hopefully it will stay nice for this Friday. I miss my boys in uniform.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I just read that the Crocodile Hunter was killed by a stingray. I'm sure he and his wife knew that when he died, it would be in a similar situation and not as an old man in a nursing home. It's still sad though. He seemed like a good guy, enthusiastic, etc. But you have to wonder if there were ever conversations between him and his wife about him giving it up. How close to death had he come before and we just never heard about it?

Well the only good thing about coming to work on a national holiday is that there was a heck of a lot less traffic on the road. I overslept this morning (thanks to me waking up at 2 and not being able to get back to sleep until 3:30) but had no worries since I knew the interstate would be empty. I have a feeling I'll be traveling home with a lot of cars though.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Better luck next time

I had a feeling this was a lot of effort for nothing but that's better than being unprepared and getting hit really hard, right? I was sitting at home thinking I probably could have gone to work but then I saw that all the streets in this area had been closed due to flooding. So it's good that I didn't go in. Plus I got a lot of stuff accomplished at home. We went through the big wardrobe boxes in the garage, cleaned a bit, ran some errands, cooked a very southern dinner (pulled pork, corn on the cob, cole slaw, and biscuits) and watched V for Vendetta at night. Oh and I got to read magazines which I haven't done in a while.

This weekend will have a few more hours of unpacking, etc. But I think my mom and I want to throw in a trip to the theater. She wants to see Little Miss Sunshine and I want to see something action-y (though I don't know what). So we'll see who wins that one. I think Little Miss Sunshine looks awesome but I'm really picky as to what I pay theater money for these days.