Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Monday, January 26, 2009

The radio gods are not kind to me

Charleston is too small a market to have a station I actually like. Wait, that's not true. When I moved here 96.1 The Wave was here and they were perfect. They mixed current alternative (and some indie) with stuff that was popular when I was in college which was great. Then they went away. I was left with 100.5 The Drive which played a bit more generic alternative but was still acceptable. This past weekend they switched to an HD Radio station so I don't get them anymore. So now my options are Country, Christian or those 'we play what we want' type stations. We have like 3 of those. Stupid radio.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

This movie tastes great!

In honor of the Oscar nominations:

Dishes at my event could include Slawdog Millionaire, Sean Penne pasta salad, Frank Langellatin salad, The Curious Taste of Benjamin Button Mushrooms, and Dark Chocolate Knights with a tall glass of Milk. Most of the aforementioned treats would be eaten with Mickey Sporks of course.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Great way to start the day

A person I work with came in my office, said "Good morning" and then proceeded to tell me I look like crap. Ok, she didn't use those words exactly but that was the essence. She said something along the lines of me looking like I had a cold or was congested. I did notice that the area under my eyes were unusually dark this morning (I don't usually have dark circles or puffiness under there) and tried to mask it as best I could. Apparently that didn't work. She then went on about how she has a certain "look" when she's sick and can therefore spot it in others. I had been sick for a couple of weeks after Christmas but thought I was getting better. Maybe my iron is low again.

Anyway, on to other things. I watched a British mini-series on Monday that I absolutely loved. It's called "Lost in Austen" and it's coming out on DVD in April. I highly recommend it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I don't care if you are the President...

I have no interest in what you have to say about the past 8 years and what you think we're going to be facing in the next 4. If his address messes with any of my shows tonight I'm gonna be pissed.

Well work has been sucky this week but I checked with the other department secretaries and they're really struggling too. Good to know it's not just me.

My classes will be interesting but I'm still kind of scared of the statistics class. He promised us that it's more about being able to interpret how the data was processed and what it means instead of actually having to do math but I'm still scared. He gave us a practice test last night to see where we're all at and one guy finished in 10 minutes. I don't get the feeling he gave much thought to each question.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Nana

Today would have been my grandmother's birthday. And because I'm a nice daughter I called my dad to remind him and consequently depress him at the same time. She was a difficult woman to love but she was a hoot too. She died of Cardio Obstructive Pulminary Disease and while she was battling that had a second bout of breast cancer (her first was back in the 60s so she was a real survivor). So they elected to do a second mastectomy but due to the COPD, the doctors couldn't give her a general anethesia. So my grandmother was awake while the doctors removed her breast. She was not the kind of person you want awake during surgery. She kept asking the doctor what he was doing and I think she even gave him a hard time about the evenness of his stitches. Man I loved that woman. There's one Christmas that my parents tell me about all the time (I hadn't been born yet). She and her sister, Agnes, got drunk on Manhattans, put on Hawaiian music and danced around the house. I'm sorry I missed that.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Didn't we get rid of them years ago?

I think there are maybe 5 shows (in the sitcom/drama categories) on TV that don't have a Brit in the cast. Actually there may be a few others that don't have Brits but they have Aussies and that's almost as bad. I'm sure some of the shows on CW don't have Brits or Aussies but they don't really count. In fact I think a lot of these Brits and Aussies have pushed out the Canadians who used to populate our TV. I guess the 80s and 90s were good for the Canucks but the decades in this new millenia belong to the Queen's people.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Is it me

Or does she have a very long chest? I can't tell if her boobs just hang really low or what. It kind of looks like the length of the area from her neck to where her boobs start is just really long.

Monday, January 05, 2009

back to work

There are maybe 5 people in the building today. Normally I'd love the solitude but I've got an annoying cold so I'd much rather be snuggled up in bed.

I had a good trip to Dallas. I got to meet my friend's new boyfriend which was interesting. I don't think she's ever read my blog so I hope I'm safe in picking on him. Honestly whatever I say here I think I said to her last week. According to my friend, her boyfriend ("R") has never told her how old he actually is. She said 55 the first time I asked (when they started dating) and then she said 57 last week. I think he's at least 60. Now my dad is 61 but he doesn't look or act it. This guy, while he's in really good shape, acts like he's old. Plus he works outdoors so he's kind of, um, weathered. My friend is no spring chicken at 41 but she's pretty hip (in a geeky sort of way) and honestly looks like she's 35 or 36. They really don't seem to have a lot in common but she seems to be happy and that should be enough for me, right?