Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

What's up?

Well, currently what is up in Chucktown is the temperature, the humidity and my irritation at the weather. It's late October and it was 73 degrees at 6am with 93% humidity. I hate that.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's not a bucket list!

If you were to make a list of things to do that you wouldn't normally do, what would be on it? Keep in mind these aren't things to do before you die. Rather things that typically wouldn't interest you but might be a cool experience.

My list includes things like:
attend a Sci Fi convention (done; and I ended up liking it so much I went back...a few times)
Ren Faire (hopefully going next month)
a NASCAR race (not sure when this will happen)
and a Roller Derby match (also might be happening next month)

I'm trying to think of more things but I am stumped. Unfortunately living in a quaint city in the southeast limits my options. Thankfully my dear friend, Dana, has moved back to the Raleigh area and they seem to have a lot of stuff going on.

On a slightly related note, prior to seeing Whip It, I had come up with a great Roller Derby name and now it has escaped my mind completely. It was so good that apparently it was not mine to keep.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Charleston weather

Having lived in South Carolina for a number of years, I expect it to be pretty warm for at least 6-7 months of the year. Those months extend from April through October. What I don't expect is 100% humidity in October. Yes, Saturday clocked in with 100% humidity though the temp didn't get to far above the mid 80s. I would probably actually enjoy 80 degree weather in October if it weren't for the humidity. And people (read: my parents) wonder why I want to move north.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Missing sword

Not too many colleges have on-campus ads like this:

Lost: Sword belonging to 1950 Citadel alumnus

A cadet had been using his grandfather's sword until he misplaced it last week.
The sword has the name Blah Blah Blah Jr, Class of 1950 etched in it.
If you have seen this sword or know where it is, please contact Blah Blah.