Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Assault on the nose

Ahhh, the first day of classes and the halls are filled with the familiar stench of the unwashed masses. I didn't miss that but life is more interesting with the boys and girls here.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Hey mom! Look, no posts!

I actually kind of just forgot to blog lately. Let's see, what's new since the last post? I did go see Predators (surprisingly not horrible) but sadly missed Despicable Me. I saw Inception and really, really liked it. People keep talking about how confusing it is but I think they're putting too much thought into it. It was really well done, the acting was stellar, the look of it was great and I tried to not get bogged down with the intricacies of the story.

Then I went to San Diego for my annual trek to Geek Mecca (aka Comic Con). Surprisingly I spent more time in the TV panels and only went to one movie panel (Scott Pilgrim). I made a fatal flaw one day and ended up back in my hotel room, watching TV and trying to sleep. I will not make that mistake again.

Upon return I didn't go see too many movies. I didn't see The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Salt, or The Other Guys. The latter is the only one of those that I heard was worth seeing. I did see The Expendables, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World and Eat Pray Love in the past week. The Expendables was, uh, it was, um, well it was pretty much what I expected. Lots of bad dialogue, a meek plot, and lots of kicking ass and killing random extras. Scott Pilgrim was fun but really is meant for people who are into comic books, video games, and are under 30. Eat Pray Love was good. It was very pretty and I dig Javier Bardem. I'd still like to see the Anniston/Bateman movie, The Switch. I hear it's not a typical romcom so that's good. Oh and I'll probably see Going the Distance w/ Drew Barrymore because that looks good.

In non-movie news I spent the weekend in Columbia. I haven't really spent too much time there since being back in S.C. It's gotten nicer and I've gotten older so I don't hate it as much as I did when I graduated. Actually I didn't hate it then I was just ANTSY to get out.

Classes are starting Wednesday. My department head and I are ready to just leave. There are lots of messes and fires that will eventually work themselves out but until then we're suffering big time.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Time flies

I should have posted days ago but since no one reads my blog anyway I guess it doesn't matter! I saw Eclipse (aka Twilight 3)and enjoyed it. It's most definitely the best of the three though I still had a bunch of complaints regarding choices the director made.

I'm hopefully going to see Despicable Me and Predators this weekend. I'm looking forward to both. I'm sad about how The Last Airbender turned out. I didn't bother seeing it and will wait until it's on cable.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the incredible weather we had last weekend since this is supposed to be a blog about my life in the deep south. It was unseasonably cool for early July and I spent as much time outside as I could. I have the mosquito bites to prove it. It'll remain hot for a while so I'm looking forward to some time in the theater.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

No movie weekend

I was dogsitting and unable to go see anything this weekend :(

I plan to remedy that this week. I may see Karate Kid Tuesday. Thursday will be Eclipse with my newest friend Tracy. Luckily we're going to one of my fave restaurants after. Then Saturday will be The Last Airbender. I have high hopes for that one because my hopes are that M. Night starts making really good movies again.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Thank you, Pixar!

They knocked it out of the park once again with Toy Story 3. A great movie from beginning to end. I really wanted Jonah Hex to be good but I've heard nothing but bad reviews. This weekend I'm not sure what I'm going to see. I'll have to think about that.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No no no!!!

Hollywood types: KNOCK IT OFF. You don't need to remake 80s or early 90s movies. Even ones that weren't, you know, truly great the first time around. They're re-doing Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. Ugh. Leave Swell and her siblings alone!!! Where else can you see David Duchovny looking like a slimy 90s douche?

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm melting!

It is too dang hot out already. This is unnatural. The good news is there are places to hide out if you don't have a/c at home (scary thought if you're a resident of any of the southern states). You could go to the mall, a library, or a MOVIE THEATER! Yes for 3 measly dollars any resident in and around S'ville can catch some entertainment whilst cooling off.

This brings me to my recent reviews. I saw Splice last week and man was that an interesting movie. It's been categorized as a horror movie but that's misleading. There is some bloody action but that wasn't the scary part. The scary part was the uh, action before the action. I don't want to discuss it really but the relationship aspects of the movie have stayed with me since last Wednesday and not many movies do that. I will say that Freud would have had a field day with this movie.

Something that didn't make me think at all was the movie I saw Saturday...The A-Team. It was a lot of fun. Lots of laughs, action, big explosions and shots of B. Coop looking hot. It was a very satisfying summer movie.

I wanted to see Karate Kid but didn't end up making it. I probably will this weekend if I'm not burned out after Toy Story 3 and Jonah Hex. YAY!!! Ok, so except for the unbearable heat and humidity...I love summer!