Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, June 30, 2006

2 in one day! Wow...

Ok, so Debra's crush on the GM (Dave)turned out well. We spotted him talking to a guy (Andy) who works at the Citadel and also moonlights for the Riverdogs. That's our chance, right? Well we walk up and say Hi to Andy. We get talking to him and I give him a hard time because he was just in my office that morning and I KNEW he had no idea who I was. He and Debra start talking about work. So I introduce myself to Dave and (thank you Doogie Howser!) say, "Dave, have you met Debra?" They say Hello, shake hands but Debra kind of goes back to talking business with Andy. Doh! So I try to move the conversation back to something that can include Dave too. We say goodnight and leave and Debra's swooning all the way back to our illegally parked car. She thanks me profusely for being able to talk, etc. I decide that it's my mission to get this girl a date.

This morning Debra and I agree that we're not only going back to a game this coming weekend but that we'll give Andy a heads up that we'll be there. Well right after Debra buys the tickets, Andy calls and says that Dave thought she was cute. So Andy was wondering if he could give Dave her digits (not in those exact words). Then Andy says something along the lines of anytime we want to go to a game he'll get us tickets. Double Doh! Next time I guess. Hell if we're going to be buddies with the GM, I want free beer.

If they get married, I want them to toast me at the damn wedding!

We got off to a shaky start

I went to a Riverdogs games with Debra last night. Before we headed to the "Joe", I stopped by her apartment to change. We were chatting a bit and she said something but one word was wrong in the sentence. I can't remember what it was but it cracked us up. Well we started to hear thunder and got nervous about rain. Debra then said something along the lines of, "I bet they don't let you bring elevators in the stadium." I stared blankly at her for a moment until she chuckled and said, "Did I just say elevators?" We get to the game, park kind of illegally, mouth off to the parking attendant, get free National Guard pens, go inside, wander around looking for the $1 beer (very hard to find), buy regular priced beer, then I decide I want a hot dog. I get the hot dog, go to the condiments table, put my beer down for a second while I put mustard on my hot dog and the next thing I know, my beer goes flying and my feet are covered in Yuengling. Debra was unsuccessfully trying to get napkins out of this weird dispenser, her beer in one hand while the other hand struggled to get the napkins. Debra said the best part was the look that I gave her. I said nothing and just had this look like, 'you know you're buying me a new beer, right?' It was hysterical.

The game was slow and boring but we spent most of the time looking at guys anyway. The funny thing was when the Citadel Summer Camp showed up. We just can't get away from the place. One of them even got hit with a foul ball. Poor kid.

Debra has a crush on the general manager so we're working on it. She's a horrible flirt so I'm trying to help her with that. One of the players was trying to talk to her and she thought he was trying to throw her a baseball. She kept saying to him, "No, throw her the ball. She can catch, I can't." I just laughed because I think he was trying to get her to come down and say Hi. He wasn't that cute but he's got cute friends!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Zach Braff rocks!

I emailed a friend of mine that I hadn't spoken to in a while. He was a guy I worked with at my last job. His name is Oren and I just adored him. We got along really well and always had plenty to laugh about. Actually there were a few people at that job that I really liked which is probably why I stayed there so long. Anyway, we were talking about TV once (I know, shocking!) and I mentioned how if we did a movie about our office, Zach Braff would have to play him. They're very similar looking and have similar qualities about them. Oren's voice is much deeper though. Well Oren had never really watched Scrubs so he thought I was nuts. All he had seen were commercials of Zach Braff being goofy. Well in his reply, Oren mentioned that he now watches Scrubs, loves it, and thinks Braff is a comic genius! Awesome. Then Oren said the thing that puzzled me, "Every time I see Zach Braff, I think of you because of the nickname you gave me." Now we all know I love giving nicknames but I REALLY don't remember giving Oren a specific one regarding Zach Braff. I only remember saying Braff would play him in a movie. My memory is shot. I hate getting old.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Not gone. Just still here.


Staying at someone's house for almost a month is too long. I think my uncle is finally leaving. Though, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's still there when I get home. He has many excuses/reasons for being there. But it still annoys the crap out of me. He actually seemed disappointed that my parents are moving back because he had this idea of living in the house with my grandmother. And if he had his way I wouldn't be living there either. WHY WOULD WE SUPOPRT HIM?!?!?!?!

Anywho, I'm hoping he gets his van packed and gets out of there by the time I come home from work.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Yes, my dog can see...

I just wanted to post some pics. The first one is the Bill Murray bobblehead. Ash, don't show Mark. I still want to send one of them to him and surprise him with it.

And this is KC inspecting Mr. Murray...

Same old same old

Basic weekend, watched TV, walked my dog, laundry, etc. I did my nails, that was exciting. They look really good so that means they'll start breaking this week.

I'm supposed to go to a baseball game on Thursday but it's been raining a lot around here so we'll see.

Now I'm just counting the days 'til I go to LA. I'm hoping Christy will want to see Pirates 2 with me. Granted (by then) it'll be her 2nd or 3rd time but it'd still be fun.

Friday, June 23, 2006

My (TV) boyfriend

Ok, so my TV boyfriend is in love with another girl but I can still dream about him. In fact I actually did dream about him and the rest of the Office gang. I can't remember specifics but they were all there. After watching last night's episodes (one of which I hadn't seen), it was nice knowing what eventually happened with Jam.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I love packing tape

Sooooo I'm thinking I might be making an unexpected trip to the greater LA area in August. I figured it'd be nice of me to offer to help my parents pack for their move. That's right, they're packing it up and heading east! A few things need to happen first (like them finding someone to take over their apartment lease) but other things seem to be falling into place so it's looking good so far.

Plus if I go when I want (july 29-august 5), I can watch my friend's episode of The Simple Life with my friend. I'll be sitting next to her but ALSO watching her on TV. Trippy.

And since we'll be busy packing things I'll obviously have to take a break one day and head to In 'N Out for a #2 combo-animal style!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Strange names...again

I just sent a letter to a person in Lorida, Florida. No joke.

I want to live in Aryland, Maryland. Heh, Ew York, New York. I didn't think the "New" states would be funny but I guess if you put the word "Ew" in front of anything it's kind of humorous. I guess Ew Jersey is a given.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

I have a gift...

If there is a famous or semi-famous person within a 10 mile radius, I will find them. My cousin and I went out last night. (Mom, skip the next sentence) I realized this was the first time we were drinking alcohol together as adults. We went to this one place that had a semi-decent live band but the only free table was right in front of the speakers. Basically I wanted to go there so Jess could try this one appetizer they have, fried artichokes. Sooooo yummy. They stuff them with goat cheese, deep fry 'em and serve them with a horseradish dipping sauce. Awesome. We left the Rooftop Bar and decided to find a new place to go to. We ended up at Meritage. I like that place. We were sitting in the center of this big wrap-around couch. The hostess came over and asked that we either move to one end of the couch or go to a table because they had a large group coming in. We moved but we bitched about it to each other. At first there were only about 4 guys. Then slowly more guys showed up and there he was. I could have DIED! I'm one of the few people who actually likes him on that show. Well my mom does too. Yay for us. Anyway I went to the bathroom, came back and found a large black man sitting at the table and chatting up my cousin. Turns out he's a football player (middle linebacker) who most recently played for the Browns but now may be out of a job if he doesn't get picked up by a team. He and I pretty much talked the entire time but he was sweet on Jess. Hot cousin strikes again. But we had a fun time and he bought us drinks which was nice. He kind of ended up blowing us off for his friends but that's fine. Oh and his one friend, PJ, is a new basketball coach at the Citadel. So I'll be looking him up in the fall. He seemed nice. He kept looking over from their table to make sure we were ok while talking to the football dude which was kind of cute.

We left and Jess kept trying to get me to talk to the actor. I refused. He was with his friends and I didn't want to interrupt, although I'd love to know how to pronounce his last name. It was a fun evening and I have a feeling my cousin was thrilled to get out of the house. We'll definitely be doing that again.

Oh and I fell. Big shock right? Well it was dark and anyone who's been to Charleston knows how uneven the sidewalks are. But at least I did it many blocks from where all the people were. So not too embarassing.

Friday, June 16, 2006

I hate being broke

I need to find a mindless (2nd) job where I'm not standing the entire time. Something that's just like half a Saturday so I don't completely burn out. Suggestions? I wonder if I could get a job at the movie theater for just Saturdays. I could sit at the ticket window. I'm good at smiling at people.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I gots the TV blues.

I don't mind summer, I use it to watch of shows that I've never seen. I watch more of the cable channels and lots and lots of unscripted (?) television (I don't like the word 'reality' and even unscripted is debatable). One problem is that we get a lot of bad weather here so these self-important local TV channels feel the need to not only run a crawl on the bottom of the screen (and have a too large area map in the corner of the screen), but they INSIST on interrupting the actual shows. When and if it is an actual hurricane, then you can interrupt. Otherwise, "QUIT IT!!!!"

That, on top of the fact that I disagreed with half of the people chosen to move on to the next stage of Last Comic Standing, made for an unenjoyable evening of television. I really think the producers picked the ones they thought would make for interesting TV and not the funniest people. You have a huge Latino guy, token black dude, token black chick, a pregnant Latina, a white guy with cerebal palsy, a now hot/used to be picked on white chick, plus a few average types.

Eeeeek! Our interim provost just killed a HUGE palmetto bug that was in our office. Seriously the thing was the size of a mouse. Holy crap! Can I go home now? Ok, now I feel like I have bugs all over me.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

and they shall refer to me as 'Bird Sh*t Car'

I know those truckers on 95 were getting a kick out of my car. It was covered in lots and lots of bird poo. Ick. When I stopped to fill up, I got most of it off but for a few hours, I had the ickiest car on the road.

As expected, I had a great time with the Marshley in DC. Ash and I actually got up at 4am on Saturday and reported for volunteer duty at the Race for the Cure on time. It was quite a chilly day (after a brief rain at 5am) but we kept our spirits up. Ashrey could be heard for miles shouting, "Volunteer sign up for 2007! We have no Sun Chips!" Long story but we had no Sun Chips and spent most of the morning trying to direct people to the free snacks.

I got to shop at Trader Joe's! And I got my avocado egg rolls at Cheesecake Factory. Oh and my streak still holds, I have yet to actually eat Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory.

So thanks again to the Marshley for letting me invade their home and break their toilet this past weekend. Y'all are the best!

This weekend is the Bill Murray bobblehead baseball game. Woo!