Journey into the Deep South
About Me
- Name: UhLisa
"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Turns out it was paralyzed. Can I get a bowl of "HOLY CRAP", a side of "NUH UH", and for dessert I'll have a plate of "NO EFFING WAY!!!" That was one of the most shocking endings of any TV show that I've seen. And I watch a lot of TV.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
It's common knowledge that royals tend to marry cousins, etc. I didn't realize how bad it was for King Charles II of Spain (aka Carlos Segundo) until I saw it on an organizational chart. Yeesh.

I thought it would be bigger on the screen. If you want to see it for detail purposes I can email it.
Is it me or are there a lot of uncles marrying neices?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Now I don't know who to root for...
I have 2 of the Final Four. But I had Kansas winning so this is where my bracket ends. Since high school I've always rooted for Duke and Georgetown. I hoped Georgetown would do well but didn't think they'd make it this far this year. I'm thrilled for them, I really am. I'm sorry I didn't watch the game against UNC. I like seeing them suffer. I really hope UCLA wins
Well "the crud" (as it's called around here) has been circulating and now I think it's hit me. I woke up with post nasal drip and fear it can only get worse. It could just be allergies and not amount to much which would be nice.
Oh and the best news...annoying co-worker won Employee of the Year. She's not a humble person in the least so I'll be hearing about this for a year. Mind you that another person and I helped her immensely with the reason she was even nominated but did we get any thanks?
Well "the crud" (as it's called around here) has been circulating and now I think it's hit me. I woke up with post nasal drip and fear it can only get worse. It could just be allergies and not amount to much which would be nice.
Oh and the best news...annoying co-worker won Employee of the Year. She's not a humble person in the least so I'll be hearing about this for a year. Mind you that another person and I helped her immensely with the reason she was even nominated but did we get any thanks?
Friday, March 23, 2007
Still in it baby!
Thanks go out to Kanasas (that was a close one!), Ohio State (even closer), and Memphis (dang! didn't think y'all would pull that off!). Pittsburgh...I'm not talking to you right now. This may be a rare year where #1 seeds make it to the final four. Although all these teams seem REALLY well matched up. This is what makes basketball fun people. It's tense! I'm so glad I didn't put money on these games because I would have had a coronary.
I woke up to find a roach on the bathroom counter. Yay! I love bugs.
I woke up to find a roach on the bathroom counter. Yay! I love bugs.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
I need a dress
I'm struggling trying to find a dress to wear in my friend's wedding. There are many factors making this a difficult process. I've found some great dresses out there but nothing's quite right. I've been all over the internet and came up empty. I guess now I'm going to have to physically get out there and look which is hard to do because I have a lot of school work right now.
My co-worker is back from a long weekend. She's a chatty person as it is but now she just keeps talking and talking about her trip even though no one is really listening. Oh and we have these great nuts that were a gift and this co-worker loves nuts. Plus she's a loud eater so now it's going to be this constant annoyance. I'm going to hide them or give them away so they disappear quickly.
On an unrelated note...
Look! It's Oliver North!

He's old now and that makes me feel old. It looks like Tim is about to give him the key to, um, well something.
My co-worker is back from a long weekend. She's a chatty person as it is but now she just keeps talking and talking about her trip even though no one is really listening. Oh and we have these great nuts that were a gift and this co-worker loves nuts. Plus she's a loud eater so now it's going to be this constant annoyance. I'm going to hide them or give them away so they disappear quickly.
On an unrelated note...
Look! It's Oliver North!

He's old now and that makes me feel old. It looks like Tim is about to give him the key to, um, well something.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Not bad
Counting all the games I'm 34 and 14. Plus 7 of my Elite 8 teams are still in it so there's hope yet. I had an unlucky weekend considering it was St. Patrick's Day and all. I didn't win the Powerball nor did I win the HGTV Dream Home. There's always next time, right?
Mostly my weekend was standard, some studying, some cleaning, and a HUGE headache yesterday. I was going to use 'massive headache' as my excuse for not going to church and I woke up with one anyway. What are migraine symptoms? I had the intense head pain and nausea as well but I wasn't totally sensitive to light. Anyway the nausea passed after a few hours and the head pain lessened so I was free to watch My Super Sweet 16 as I prepped for an exam this Thursday.
Mostly my weekend was standard, some studying, some cleaning, and a HUGE headache yesterday. I was going to use 'massive headache' as my excuse for not going to church and I woke up with one anyway. What are migraine symptoms? I had the intense head pain and nausea as well but I wasn't totally sensitive to light. Anyway the nausea passed after a few hours and the head pain lessened so I was free to watch My Super Sweet 16 as I prepped for an exam this Thursday.
Friday, March 16, 2007
DUKE!!! WTF?!?!?
Duke has been my absolute favorite college basketball team since 1992. I'll have to look into this but I can't remember them ever losing in the first round. Anyway I was 12 and 4 yesterday which isn't too bad. Coach K...WHAT HAPPENED? I'm glad I didn't watch the game. I would have been pretty bummed and I'm having a bad day as it is.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Please pray for my friend Kristin and her hubby, Paul. They got some sad news and need lots of prayer.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Dinner at my place!
If anyone wants to make the drive, I'm cooking a big Irish meal on Saturday so feel free to come over. Brisket (drowned in Killian's), ulster champ, cabbage, soda bread and the coup de grace...Bailey's chocolate cake (I'm making it into mini bundt cakes).
Monday, March 12, 2007
Oh my gosh! Is that a????
Turns out there are some very immature men in the south. I was behind a GMC Jimmy that wasn't driving fast so I passed him. Now keep in mind that when I passed him my mother made no faces at them, no obscene finger gestures, nothing of the sort. Then this goofball passes me and slows down. This little dance happens one more time before we make it to 95. So once on 95 I pass him and think I'm far enough ahead for it to be over. Not so much. He not only passes us one more time but his buddy in the passenger side starts waving a pink pearlized dildo at us. It was very shiny and caught the sunlight quite nicely. Well we had no idea what would be in store for us next so we got off at the next exit and got back on to 95 again.
Well that should have been a trip omen but I chose to ignore it. Shortly after I was changing lanes and couldn't avoid what looked like a strap or flat hose. Well there was something hard and mean stuck to that strap because it made an awful noise when I hit it. I asked my mother if I should get off at the rest stop to check the tire and she said we'd probably be alright. Well we might have been alright on other days but not this day. About 5 miles later the tire started making an odd noise so I slowed down and pulled over while rolling on the rim. Luckily we were right before an exit ramp so we were pretty safe. We immediately called AAA because even though we know how to change a tire, the jack in the trunk looked pretty small and difficult to use. Thankfully the good people at Lexus saw fit to put a full size spare tire in the trunk so we didn't have to immediately drive to a tire place. A state trooper stayed with us for a while but the tire changing people took way too long so he left after about 45 minutes. Finally they showed up but even that was sketchy. Mom and I are sitting on a beach blanket and this old, dark minivan pulls up. I got nervous because I had no idea who was in the van or what they wanted. Turns out it was the auto guy, his wife and small child. He had the tire changed in no time and we were on our way.
The rest of the drive was thoroughly uneventful. We listened to a Bob Newhart comedy CD which had 2 or 3 good bits and the rest was pretty dumb. Friday night Dana took us to a great restaurant called Lucky 32 which, sadly, is only in NC. We started with the Bayou Shrimp cakes, Dana got the shrimp and grits, mom got the suffolk chicken and I got the herb chicken & goat cheese pizza. Yum! After dinner we watched My Super Ex-Girlfriend on one of Dana's DVDs purchased in China. There was a quick silhouette of a head (a few rows down from the camera operator) towards the end which turned out to be the absolute best part of the movie. That was one of the WORST movies I've ever seen and I'm glad I got a 15 minute nap during it. The next day we ate at Pei Wei, shopped a bit, saw 300 (very bloody, lots of bare chests-male & female-but pretty good) and finally got to Trader Joe's. It was brand new, spacious and well stocked. I got all kinds of good things so I was pretty excited.
The trip home seemed very quick and could be because we didn't spend an hour sitting on the side of I-95.
Well that should have been a trip omen but I chose to ignore it. Shortly after I was changing lanes and couldn't avoid what looked like a strap or flat hose. Well there was something hard and mean stuck to that strap because it made an awful noise when I hit it. I asked my mother if I should get off at the rest stop to check the tire and she said we'd probably be alright. Well we might have been alright on other days but not this day. About 5 miles later the tire started making an odd noise so I slowed down and pulled over while rolling on the rim. Luckily we were right before an exit ramp so we were pretty safe. We immediately called AAA because even though we know how to change a tire, the jack in the trunk looked pretty small and difficult to use. Thankfully the good people at Lexus saw fit to put a full size spare tire in the trunk so we didn't have to immediately drive to a tire place. A state trooper stayed with us for a while but the tire changing people took way too long so he left after about 45 minutes. Finally they showed up but even that was sketchy. Mom and I are sitting on a beach blanket and this old, dark minivan pulls up. I got nervous because I had no idea who was in the van or what they wanted. Turns out it was the auto guy, his wife and small child. He had the tire changed in no time and we were on our way.
The rest of the drive was thoroughly uneventful. We listened to a Bob Newhart comedy CD which had 2 or 3 good bits and the rest was pretty dumb. Friday night Dana took us to a great restaurant called Lucky 32 which, sadly, is only in NC. We started with the Bayou Shrimp cakes, Dana got the shrimp and grits, mom got the suffolk chicken and I got the herb chicken & goat cheese pizza. Yum! After dinner we watched My Super Ex-Girlfriend on one of Dana's DVDs purchased in China. There was a quick silhouette of a head (a few rows down from the camera operator) towards the end which turned out to be the absolute best part of the movie. That was one of the WORST movies I've ever seen and I'm glad I got a 15 minute nap during it. The next day we ate at Pei Wei, shopped a bit, saw 300 (very bloody, lots of bare chests-male & female-but pretty good) and finally got to Trader Joe's. It was brand new, spacious and well stocked. I got all kinds of good things so I was pretty excited.
The trip home seemed very quick and could be because we didn't spend an hour sitting on the side of I-95.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Another road trip another bag of Twizzlers...
So I'm off to the Raleigh, NC area. The only time I've been to Raleigh was when I flew there and poor Ann and Ashley had to drive up and get me. They really are amazing friends.
I'm visiting my friend Kristin and her hubby, Paul and daughter, Angelina. Kristin and I became friends on the very first day of kindegarten. Awwww...
Then after Kristin's I'm heading to see Dana who is really like part of our family. Our two families have known each other since before I was born. For a while I was following Dana around the country but just about a year behind. We both went to Univ. of South Carolina but never met. Then she moved to LA and my family followed about a year later. Meanwhile we all moved to S. C. and now she's just moved to N. C., about a year later. I enjoy hanging out with her because I can let my inner geek out. She was the one I went to see the one-man Star Wars show with, attended ComiCon with, and so many more geeky events.
Anyway I'm excited about going to this part of N.C. because there's a Pei Wei and I love me some lettuce wraps and honey seared shrimp! Oh and...
I'm actually bringing a large cooler and I'm not ashamed to say that. I'm gonna get turkey meatballs, Mochi, and so much more!
I'm visiting my friend Kristin and her hubby, Paul and daughter, Angelina. Kristin and I became friends on the very first day of kindegarten. Awwww...
Then after Kristin's I'm heading to see Dana who is really like part of our family. Our two families have known each other since before I was born. For a while I was following Dana around the country but just about a year behind. We both went to Univ. of South Carolina but never met. Then she moved to LA and my family followed about a year later. Meanwhile we all moved to S. C. and now she's just moved to N. C., about a year later. I enjoy hanging out with her because I can let my inner geek out. She was the one I went to see the one-man Star Wars show with, attended ComiCon with, and so many more geeky events.
Anyway I'm excited about going to this part of N.C. because there's a Pei Wei and I love me some lettuce wraps and honey seared shrimp! Oh and...
I'm actually bringing a large cooler and I'm not ashamed to say that. I'm gonna get turkey meatballs, Mochi, and so much more!
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
You're smart. Let's make out!
The cute boy from class smelled really good last night. It was a very clean smell, like a light touch of fabric softener. Last week he smelled kind of manly. Not a stinky b.o. but like a guy. Oh and with 20 minutes left in class, our power went out. Something about a transformer blowing...but our professor just kept on going. It was kind of cool being lit by the emergency light.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Interesting. Ok, not really.
I was walking to the post office on campus and noticed a Miata with Alaska license plates. First I wondered if they drove it here or had it shipped. Then I wondered how that little bean of a car managed in the intense weather of Alaska. I really don't like Miatas. A goofy looking professor walked by and I wondered if I'll even see Professor Swoon aka "Captain Swoon" again. Then I thought about what could happen on Heroes tonight. After that came a slight panic about my take-home exam which reminded me that I can't watch Heroes tonight because I have to type my take-home exam. Stupid Miatas.