Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, April 27, 2007

Word gets around

Someone on youtube knows I'm going to Canada because they sent me a link to a video on goose attacks. Interesting...

Please pray

My poor mother, who has enough of a daily battle with her MS, now may be facing another large health issue. And my grandmother is possibly looking at a few different procedures/operations too. I'm grateful that I'm pretty healthy right now so that I can do whatever needs to be done. I was upset about not taking any classes this summer but I think it's for the best.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I honestly can't think of anything to post but a small part of that is me not wanting to do anything to move that picture further down the page. He's so flippin' hot!

Monday, April 23, 2007


I realized I didn't do my weekly Gerard post last week so here he is now, in all his splendor...

Friday, April 20, 2007

There's that validation I was looking for!!!

"And this is Alisa. She answers the phones."

Yup, that was an introduction that was made tonight. I was already bitter that she used part of what I do in her job description but then I got introduced as 'just the receptionist'. Fan-FREAKING-tastic!


This is not my freaking day! Son of a BITCH!!! She's too old and squinty and annoying!!!

Breathe in...breathe out...breathe in...breathe out...

Ok, not that I suffer under any delusions that he'd even notice me if I kicked him in the shin, but... seriously? Is this really his taste? 'Cause...EW!!! I think I'm going to be sick. The only two worse than this would be Paris or Lindsay. Not that she's even done anything to rank with the likes of them but she just annoys the crap out of me. Ugh. Now I actually do want to kick him in the shin.

Nuh uh! Not OK!

Well I'm definitely over my Alec Baldwin crush. What a jerk! Seriously he needs some help. It's sickening the way people can be.

I'm still gonna watch 30 Rock though. 'Cause how many sitcoms show you a man spitting into someone's mouth?

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I've found the key...

And it's drinking a couple glasses of wine before sitting down to write a research paper. That mixed with American Idol makes for a good writing environment. I think this is the way I'm going to write all my papers. Of course I'll read it through again today to make sure I didn't slur or cite Gallo, Ernest & Julio as a reference.

Actually what happened is that we went out to celebrate my pop's birthday seeing as we were at a place that is known for it's wine, I didn't say no. Geeze, I really think I should give the paper a good read today before I turn it in. Oh and the risotto I had was cooked in wine. Noticing a theme? My job is driving me to drink.

Monday, April 16, 2007

It's a bit breezy out there

Yesterday we had a lot of wind. I'll try and post a picture of the resulting effects at my parent's house. It's not much but it's interesting.

Not much going on. I'm really starting to hate my job and I'm wondering if it's me or that I just get stuck with crazy people. My last job had some crazies but the job before that was great. I'm due for some normal people. So anyway I'm keeping my eye out for possibilities on campus.

The semester is coming to a close and I'm glad about that. I've got a lot planned for the summer and I don't need classes getting in the way of that.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

One good thing

I've finally come to a good place about listening to music at work. For a while I listened to woxy out of Oxford, Oh because they have the BEST alternative/indie playlist. That proved difficult because they kept losing money and going off the air. Now you have to register and download stuff and pat your head whilst clucking like a chicken and I don't feel like doing all that for music. Then I was listening to kroq out of LA but they play the Chili Peppers WAY too much so I gave up on them. Next came some local stations but there were technical issues and I was still having to deal with the Chili Peppers thing. Yes, I hate them that much. Well God bless someone at AOL. Geeze, I never thought I'd say that but it turns out AOL is good for something. They partnered with XM and now I can listen all day with no commercials. And I can choose what genre within a genre I want to listen to. Do I sound like an advertisement? I don't mean to but I am really pleased.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I'm surprised that I cared

I blame living in LA. I've always been intrigued by celebs and their crazy lives, self-induced as it may be. Typically if a situation gets too much attention and becomes over-exposed for no reason then I get turned off. I try to avoid the story and make fun of it with family and friends. But for some reason I couldn't move past one part of a big annoying story. Who was the Anna Nicole baby daddy? I was fascinated and waited, impatiently I might add, to get the news. I didn't want it to be Howard or Prince Van NutJob or really even Larry. Though I suspect the latter is the lesser of the three evils. Truly I wanted it to be some wacky situation like frozen sperm from J. Howard Marshall whom (who?), oddly as it seems, she was absolutely in love with according to her diary. Oh well. I'm glad Larry's got the baby even though I think I saw faint dollar signs in his eyes. I just hope that in 15 years we aren't hearing reports of a crack addicted Dannilynn who is selling herself to make ends meet because her biological father found some way to make off with her trust.

Ann, this one is for you...

I think Wednesday will be ButlerDay. I saw an interview where he said he felt like a Chippendales dancer in the costume from 300.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How's the weather?

I know most everyone is a bit peeved with the cold weather and I understand that it's bad for crops and all but I'm kind of enjoying it. Typically there isn't much of a fall or spring around here. It goes from being cold for a few weeks in the winter to being hot in the spring, a hot equal to northern summers. Then our summer is terribly hot and humid which lasts until it's just about winter again. Ok, there might be a few weeks of cooler fall weather. Really there's not much of a gradual increase or decrease in temperature which frustrates me because I love that middle weather. The highs of around 70 during the day. The 'all I want to do is go for a walk on the beach' weather. I had that weather most of the year in LA with beastly hot (no humidity) temps for a few months in the summer. I've learned to appreciate winter again and this has cemented my desire to move up the coast in a few years. Maybe someday I'll have tons of money and could afford to live somewhere like San Francisco which is cooler than LA and still has low humidity. But I think you have to be a multi-millionaire to live comfortably there.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter in Charleston

We made our yearly mistake of going to First Scots Presbyterian Church downtown yesterday. We go because my grandmother loves the music there and Easter is her favorite holiday. She's been very down lately so it was the least we could do. Well we were aiming for a departure of 10am. My dad thought that was too early so he decided another 15 minutes seemed reasonable. He was wrong. Our friends, the Schiro's, had to sit upstairs in a window seat and the rest of us were peppered throughout the rest of the church. I was in the front row and directly in front of me was the 8 piece string orchestra. I had the hots for the cellist. But don't worry, I listened to the message too. Don't ask for a recap though.

Dinner last night was fine. I made this carmelized onion and potato gratin that I had high hopes for but didn't end up liking. My grandmother's pineapple stuffing was amazing though. My cousin made a cake in the shape of a lamb which ended up looking like my dog, Gus. Too cute.

Friday, April 06, 2007

He'd make every Friday a Good Friday

Not many men could pull off a kilt and still be as sexy and masculine as he is.

I'm so glad it's almost the weekend. I think we'll get out of work a bit early today which is nice. I hope everyone has a very nice Easter weekend. We were planning on eating outside but it's gonna be chilly so I'm not sure if it's going to happen.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Maybe I'll do this every day...

Gerard Butler looks good scruffy too. I guess the dude just always looks good. My mom's afraid he might be gay since we never hear about him with a woman. She's crushed about Anderson Cooper

I had a dream the other night that I was supposed to go on a date with a roach (aka Palmetto Bug). It wasn't like a 6ft one either. He was perfectly pleasant but I just couldn't bring myself to go out with him. If you have any insight on that, I don't want to hear it. In fact, forget I even mentioned it.

Well this is going to be a busy few days for me. Tonight I have class and after that am going to the Riverdogs home opener. Then friends of my parents and their awesome kids are visiting. Plus then I'm cooking for Easter dinner. I just hope I can learn to relax a bit while cooking. I have a nice bottle of merlot that might help.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Is memory the first to go?

Or is it hearing? What?

This morning I knew what I was going to post. Now it's gone from my mind completely.

I will tell you this...last night I realized I have a recent penchant for bearded men. Not goatees, mustaches or soul patches but full beards. It's got to be a good beard and not a patchy mess like Keanu grows. Ick. There's a guy in class who has a great beard which is what started all this. Then I was looking at pictures of male celebs and realized most of the pictures I liked best were ones of bearded men. Maybe I'm finally moving past my obsession with younger guys.
The perfect example:

Monday, April 02, 2007

My glass is still half full

I had Ohio State going to the finals so at least I got that far.

I'm incredibly sleepy today. Too bad I can't take a nap under my desk. That'd be cool.

Um, not much else to say. I cooked a big meal yesterday which was made up of herb roasted lamb, roasted red potatoes with a sweet paprika butter and garlic roasted aspargus. Apparently I was in a roasting mood. For Easter I'm making a orange/ginger glazed spiral ham, carmelized onion and potato gratin, and a few other goodies. I get stressed when cooking though which isn't good. I need to relax and try to enjoy it.