Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Monday, March 31, 2008

Flouride in the water

I went to the dentist this morning. I was dreading it because I haven't been to the dentist since I moved here. Actually, more honestly, I haven't been to the dentist since well before I moved here. We're talking like maybe 4 years. Turns out I was just fine. I brush and floss every day and try to take pretty good care of my teeth. I have had a root canal but according to my new dentist, he can't figure out why. I always kind of suspected that the dentist who did the root canal was shady. But it's in the past now and I have a lovely crown well hidden in the back of my mouth.

Anyway I had my share of plaque this morning but mostly that was due to the fact that I hadn't been to a dentist in so long. I left there with no cavities and a new toothbrush. I grew up in a community that had flouride in the water. Maybe it worked for me. I didn't have a cavity until I was 21 and besides the root canal have only had one other filling. Both my parents have bad teeth so my guess is that the flouride did some good when I was a kid. I know there is a lot of controversy around it but it seemed to work for me.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Oh how I miss you...

It's been so long since I've seen him in a movie. In fact it's been so long that my mother, one of his BIGGEST fans, has lost interest. She's more into Desmond on Lost now. I had no idea she was so fickle.

Monday, March 24, 2008

"it's like you escaped from a Hallmark card or something"

We watched Enchanted last night. Ok, that was freaking adorable. They had so many nods to the past Disney princess movies. It was funny and sweet even though the end was kind of, eh. Boy does that Patrick Dempsey have a great head of hair. Anyway it was a nice weekend and it'll be a nice, quiet week at work. Spring break rocks.

Friday, March 21, 2008

March Madness

Wow. For the first day of tournament play, I did MUCH better on my Fug Madness bracket than my b-ball bracket. I was 14-2 for Fug Madness and 9-7 for the NCAA tourney. Really I follow fashion (especially the flops) much closer than I do basketball. This wasn't always the case though. In high school I was all about college basketball. Now I guess my priorities have shifted. In years past I have had much better first rounds for the NCAA tourney. Hey at least I didn't put money on it. Especially considering I really didn't see Courtney Peldon upsetting La Lohan. I bet it's because people secretly don't hate leggings that much.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Alisa out

I've been a fan of American Idol since it began. I've seen every episode and on occasion have picked up my phone to vote. I think I'm finally done with Idol and it's because of money grubbing Fox. Not only do they have the LONGEST commercial breaks known to man but now they're doing product placement during the show and it's gotten so much more in your face. I was fine when it was just the Coke cups in front of the judges. Heck it's really fun to try and guess what was in Paula's cup every week! But now Coke's logo is everywhere. I could ignore the dumb Ford commercials thanks to my FauxVo so that was ok. But it was thanks to Ryan's iPhone commercial during the show that I finally lost it.

I know that with the growing number of DVRs (TiVo's, etc.) in people's homes that advertising is taking a hit. But when the ads start invading content then I'm pissed. It's obviously where we're headed with television though. Watch any show now and count the recognizable products. They used to have no-name brands but I don't think that's the case anymore. Last night's Survivor was LOUSY with Herbal Essences product placement. The contestants won a chance to have a shower in the Herbal Essences' spa or some such nonsense. It's AMAZING that a remote island in Malaysia or wherever they are was so hooked up with all those Clairol products. Yay for them.

Anyway the media covers Idol enough that I can keep up with it and not even have to watch.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Lunch today was good. Lots of garlic. I love garlic. But now I smell like garlic and that's not fun. I can't wait to get home and get out of my garlic flavored clothes. Is it time to go yet?

Monday, March 17, 2008

The power of touch

My massage therapist could double as a palm reader, er, foot reader.

Ok, here's what happened:
I went to a local spa for a facial and massage on Saturday. It was a birthday gift from mom and dad (yay!). I had the facial first and the esthetician was pretty liberal with the steam machine thingy. So after that I was breathing pretty well and not coughing at all. I go into my massage and don't cough or sniffle once. At one point she's massaging my feet and while rubbing my toes she asks, "Have you been having sinus problems lately?" Stunned I replied that I was currently getting over a sinus infection. She moves to my right foot and about 5 minutes later asks if my right shoulder gives me more problems than the left one. It does. I'm not even going to tell you what she figured out when she was rubbing my left palm!

Oh! And...

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I was going to post about something truly astonishing and then I spilled water all over my desk. And now, for the life of me, I can't remember what I was going to post about. My keyboard still seems to work even though there was at least 4 oz of water that came pouring out of it. My desk calendar has seen better days but apparently will survive if I can get through March and April. Overall I think it could have been worse.

Hmm...what was I going to write about. Oh! Ok, now it seems less astonishing. I was listening to my morning radio show and there were two callers taking part in a game they do every week called Uncanny Impressions. The radio guys roll their respective dice and whomever rolls highest has to do an impression which they pick out of a bowl. The producer, Joe, usually does terrible impressions which always leads to fits of laughter as he struggles to get through it. This morning he lucked upon Yoda which he was actually pretty good at doing. The two phone-in contestants are supposed to say their name when they think they know the impression. So Joe does his Yoda and does it very well. Dead silence from the callers. He does more Yoda saying some pretty obvious Star Wars related things. Still nothing from the callers. One DJ suspects that the callers are playing possum in order to get Joe to keep going with his impression. Turns out...not so much. The radio guys flip out. How do these guys not know Yoda? The first question asked of them, "You've seen Star Wars, right?" Answer from both, "No." The next obvious question, "How old are you guys?" Caller 1, "30." Caller 2, "22." Had they been like 14 or 15 I'd maybe understand but 22 and 30?!?!? I find that REALLY hard to believe that a 30 year old has not seen at least one of the 6 films or even been exposed to it in pop culture SOMEHOW.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I can breathe through one nostril!

There's a cute guy on campus who I am partial too even though he's kind of short. He just walked by my office and actually turned back and waved at me as he passed. Awwww!

Ok, so I haven't quite shaken this cold/sinus thing but I'm functioning. Class last night was ok. I was dying to go home the whole time but I'm glad I didn't because even though what we did wasn't really pertinent to class, it was still important. Actually I'd say that it was very, very important, especially to all my friends who are new moms. It's called Stewards of Children and is part of the Darkness to Light program. Once your child gets out into the world, start telling them about their private areas (you can help them know by calling it the bathing suit area) and that it's ALWAYS ok to report someone who touches them in that area. The more you talk to them early, the better protected they'll be. It was great training. The statistics alone were staggering.

Monday, March 10, 2008

New rule for next year

Don't take a long nap on 'spring forward' Sunday, especially if already under the weather. I've been fighting a cold/sinus thing for about a week. I got tons of rest this weekend and felt a bit better. I mistakenly took a nap yesterday. Seeing as it was the time change, it was already hard for me to go to sleep at 10 but put a nap on top of that and I was screwed. Fast forward to 12:30am and I'm still half awake. The next thing I know it's 5am and my alarm is going off. I feel wrecked today.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Grab an umbrella

If you live in Charleston and the weather man says there's 100% chance of rain, you better believe him. Also you better believe I'll be parking in the highest spot in the parking lot.

In other news, yesterday was the first time I had to put gas in my tank that was $3 a gallon. I've been consistenly filling up each Thursday and have been able to not spend over $25 a week on gas. I suspect that's going to change soon.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cold as ICE

I took my temp the other day (I've been under the weather) and it was 97.2. The next day I wanted to make sure it was accurate and therefore didn't drink any fluids for a while before taking my temp again. This time? 95.8 Heh. My body temp may be cool but I still have a warm heart! Turns out, the women in my family all have low body temps. And in fact, when we get a cold, the temp drops. If we do get a fever of 99 or 100 then we're pretty freaking sick. I read something that said if your body temp runs lower then you tend to live longer. The women on my mom's side prove that to be true. Most of them lived well into their 90s and a few were at least 100 when they died.

Monday, March 03, 2008

(Un)Happy Monday

Well it's finally got me. I've avoided being sick for a while now even though there are numerous people around me who are. It's in an early stage but I still feel crappy.

Even though I was feeling ill yesterday I still went to lunch and a movie with my friend Charlene. We had lunch at Moe's which isn't nearly as good as Baja Fresh or Chipotle but the only of its kind in the south. It was packed and the service was less than great. The movie was Penelope. It was adorable and of course I really liked James McAvoy in it. It's not something I'd tell people to rush to the theater to see but it's definitely worth watching if you have the opportunity.