Facebook has made me lazy
So I'm going to make an effort to come visit. Katie and Jackie, I'll come to Philly to see you guys this fall (probably in November). Ashley, I'll see you on the way to them or make a special trip this spring. Ann, by God I'll make it to Ohio sometime. I don't know when but I'll be there. Beth, you're easy, you name any Saturday night and I'll be there to hang out with you and my new best friend, EH. Christy...um, I don't know when I'll be back to LA. I can promise that I'll be in San Diego next summer. But you're single too so maybe we could meet somewhere like Vegas or Seattle or Chicago. In fact, let's just start planning a trip now.
This is my vow. It's an expensive vow but it's one I intend to keep over the next couple of years. You have my permission to call me on it if I don't come through.