Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Facebook has made me lazy

Jackie, tell me if you agree. Thanks to Facebook I'll NEVER feel the need to attend our h.s. reunions. I never really wanted to go to one but have always been curious about the lives of people I used to think of as friends. Isn't it nice to know that Cindy rose above her slightly slutty rep and got married with kids? I'm still shocked that Heather married that guy that I almost hooked up with on the senior trip until my brain kicked in and reminded me what a tool he actually is. Isn't it great to know that the guys we suspected were gay (Bobby & Dave) actually are?!?! Now, thanks to internet social networking, I can keep up with people and not actually have to make an effort. I really need to force myself to call or email people now and that's bad. My friend Ashlee and I have started actually mailing each other letters, cards, pictures, etc. It's weird to think about stamp buying again. I aspire to be the kind of person who buys (and mails) birthday cards but I end up defaulting to ecards. It's not that I don't love you guys but I'm really, really lazy now.

So I'm going to make an effort to come visit. Katie and Jackie, I'll come to Philly to see you guys this fall (probably in November). Ashley, I'll see you on the way to them or make a special trip this spring. Ann, by God I'll make it to Ohio sometime. I don't know when but I'll be there. Beth, you're easy, you name any Saturday night and I'll be there to hang out with you and my new best friend, EH., I don't know when I'll be back to LA. I can promise that I'll be in San Diego next summer. But you're single too so maybe we could meet somewhere like Vegas or Seattle or Chicago. In fact, let's just start planning a trip now.

This is my vow. It's an expensive vow but it's one I intend to keep over the next couple of years. You have my permission to call me on it if I don't come through.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Too. Hot. Can't. Breathe.

It certainly is feast or famine around here. Apparently they turned the heat on in the building but it went up to the mid-80s this weekend. So now it's way too warm in the building. And of course I can't get any windows open. I'm already sleepy and this overly warm air is not helping.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Damn the man

So every time I think I'm going to maybe get ahead a little financially I fall back instead. I was all excited about moving out this fall and finally being able to afford to pay rent somewhere. Then I got a notice in the mail from the SC Dept. of Revenue. They're claiming I owe them almost $1000 from 2005. I think it's a mistake because of what they're claiming I earned in 2005 is double what I actually earned. Still it's incredibly disheartening and I had a pretty good breakdown about it last night. Anyway, moving has been put on hold indefinitely. Mom wants me to stay through the spring and that way, after I pay the bastards at the state, I can actually save some money for a rainy day. We'll see what happens.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Still cold
Still excited about fall TV
Still wishing I wasn't dirt poor
Still stuck on my diet plateau (my own fault)
Still looking for the perfect roommate situation
Still annoyed with some and charmed by others

Monday, September 22, 2008

Too. Cold. Can't. Type.

I think I've used that title before but since it truly applies today then I thought I'd recycle. Seriously, I'm having to go back and retype everything because my words are all misspelled. I'm not even exaggerating. I cannot keep my fingers warm.

I'm supposed to be studying but how can I focus when two of my favorite shows are on tonight? I'm hoping Heroes is much better this year (read: I'm hoping they kill off useless Maya). And I can't wait to see How I Met Your Mother. Not only for my new crush on Jason Segel (I just finished Freaks & Geeks and I'm swooning) but I feel like I've missed my friends and I want to catch up on their lives. Did Stella say yes? Is she the mother? She has to be, right?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The new me misses the label conscious old me

I've had a sad realization this morning. I miss shopping. I have been pretty successful in adjusting to life without money. I've kind of got a handle on things now and am content with not buying CDs, DVDs, and tons of makeup that I'll never use. But today I had a sudden flash of missing the time in my life when I could comfortably buy a Coach bag and a pair of Stuart Weitzman shoes at Nordstroms without blinking an eye. Actually I think I'm paying for that stuff still. I miss it but now I know what it's like to buy something and then not be able to go to dinner with friends. It's all about growth people. And shouldn't I reward my growth with a massage and facial? Anyone?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

On Ann's (unsolicited) behalf

I'm letting y'all know she's ok but we may not be hearing from her for another day or two. Apparently there was quite a wind storm up there in Columbus which took away their power. Her place of employment has told everyone not to come back to work until Thursday. Poor thing. I hope it's not hot up there. I've been without A/C when it's hot and it's not fun.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fun with your MP3 player

Christy sent this to me a while ago and I thought I'd put it out there for you guys. The game goes like this:

Set your iPod or MP3 player to shuffle. Ask it the following questions and the answer to the question is the title of the song that pops up.

I've done it a few times and here are my most recent answers:

How does the world see me?
Take A Picture (Filter)

How will my future life be?
The Time of My Life (David Cook)

What should I do with my life?
Easy For You To Say (Harry Connick Jr.)

How will I be remembered?
My Baby's Got Sauce (G. Love & Special Sauce)

What is my current theme song?
Only Happy When It Rains (Garbage)

What is my signature dance song?
Never There (Cake)

What will be played at my funeral?
Needles In My Eyes (The Beta Band)

What will my week be like?
The World's Gone Mad (Handsome Boy Modeling School)

What is some good advice for me?
Let it Bump (Missy Elliott)

What did the world sing when I was born?
In My Place (Coldplay)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

At least I wasn't naked...

Last night I dreamt that I showed up at work without makeup on. This was a first for me. I don't ever remember having those dreams where you show up somewhere and you've got nothing on but a smile. My mom used to have a recurring dream where she was at school in her slip. Even in her dreams she's a demure lady. Anyway, I must feel unprepared for something and I doubt it's the fact that I haven't done my reading for class tonight.

Oh and I've not been very strict on my diet but I've still managed to lose another 2 lbs. I'd like to lose another 25 by Christmas so we'll see how that goes.

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm sorry...what?

I didn't watch the VMAs last night but this morning I hear that Britney won like three awards. Did she even have videos out this year? That's just wacky.

Instead of hours of MTV shameless self-promotion I watched an incredible movie called The Orphanage. It's a scary movie that has the title of the first and only to make me cry at the end. I highly recommend it. It was kind of a combination of a lot of movies but it really worked. This is what Roger Ebert said about it:

Now here is an excellent example of why it is more frightening to await something than to experience it. "The Orphanage" has every opportunity to descend into routine shock and horror, or even into the pits with the slasher pictures, but it only pulls the trigger a couple of times. The rest is all waiting, anticipating, dreading. We need the genuine jolt that comes about midway, to let us see what the movie is capable of. The rest is fear.

...deliberately aimed at viewers with developed attention spans. It lingers to create atmosphere, a sense of place, a sympathy with the characters, instead of rushing into cheap thrills.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

It's funny because it's true

Tee hee...

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Rain, rain go away...

I was so excited this morning when I stepped outside at 6:05am and it was noticeably cooler. I turned on my car and it said that it was 66 outside. I've so missed 60 degree temps.

Now, will TS Hanna hit or pass us by? The cadets keep asking every teacher they have and the teachers then ask me. Heh. They think I have answers. Anyway I should be more scared of hurricanes than I currently am. I haven't been through one in quite a while. My only memory of a really bad storm is of Hurricane Gloria in, um, 1980-something. We played board games at my friend's house and later played on the swing set in a deserted nearby park during the eye of the storm. I'm blessed to have never been in a situation where much damage was done to my home. There's no need to start that now.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Can I get a do-over?

Today has not been my day and it's not even 8:30. Please let it only get better...

My carpool buddy "forgot" we were driving in together this morning. My cell phone isn't working and my provider gave their employees off for the holiday so I can't get it fixed. I've spotted two palmetto bugs in my office (one flew by my head). My least favorite professor had a ton of copying for me to do first thing. My GA is out today. The high capacity copier still isn't working even though 'Weird Repair Guy' seemed to think it was. Oh and when I drove by my gym looked like it was closed. I bought brand new sneakers and was totally motivated to work out this afternoon.

Plus I'm just really bummed that it's a national holiday yet we're at work. Ugh. But I will say this...I really like my outfit today. I'm fitting back into stuff that I haven't been able to wear in a while. I'm stuck at 23 pounds but I think I'll be able to get a few more off this week. Silver lining, right?