Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Friday, December 19, 2008

I need a valium

There's only one other person here right now. I'm easily irritated by people and normally this guy doesn't bother me but he's currently sick and making lots of throaty noises. Oh and his office is right next to mine. Of course. I hope he leaves soon. Or I hope I can leave soon.

My other irritation right now is saved for one of my cousins. She was at my house for Thanksgiving and I wasn't nasty to her, her husband or her kids. In fact I was quite pleasant. Now we're not friends by any means of the word but we've never had any problems with each other...that I know of. Well after Thanksgiving she deleted me as one of her Facebook friends. I just kind of shrugged it off because I know she's kind of odd like that. Out of curiosity I checked to see if she was still friends with my mother. She's not. She deleted my mom who is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most harmless people I know. Sure, I'm biased but I can list a whole bunch of people who would say the same thing. I don't know what my mother and/or I may have done to warrant a Facebook deletion but I'd bet my uncle had something to do with it. No, not Dreaded Uncle either. He wouldn't hurt a fly. This uncle is the cousin in question's father and he can be kind of toxic. In fact this uncle has not had one nice thing to say after we opened our home to him and his family at Thanksgiving. My grandmother paid for a hotel room for them for four nights and he never once thanked her. In fact I heard from the grapevine that he hasn't even called her since he's been back because he doesn't have anything positive to say about the trip. Is he effing kidding me? Well hopefully that means he'll never come back. What a bastard.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Another post where I bitch about the weather

It's very wet outside which does NOTHING for my hair. It's foggy and warm and slightly rainy and that is a bad combo.

In other news there are only a few more days of work before I can take a 16 day break (that does include weekend days).

In other, other news I am getting a visit from Gus the dog today. I convinced my parents to bring him here while they go have a lovely brunch at Hominy Grill. YAY!!!

Finally, I got two A's this semester. I am so excited! Next semester is going to possibly be an A (global perspectives class) and a B (stats class...ugh) but then I'm hoping I can pull off A's this summer and finish my grad career with a 3.75. It's not a 4.0 but I'm ok with that.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I don't get paid like a professor

So don't make me do professor type things. There's this very high-maintenance professor in our department. There's always something wrong with her physically (and mentally too if you ask me). When she gives me a task she always leaves out some vital piece of information so then I have to go to her to find out. Plus she's OCD in an annoying way. Ok, maybe it's not the OCD that's annoying, it's just her. Well she's ill and can't administer her finals so guess who gets to do it? If my GA were here I'd have her do it because it's actually in her job description. It's not in mine. But sadly my GA isn't here yet this morning so I got to do it. There's another one tomorrow afternoon that "Annoying Professor" can't make it to so my GA will get to administer that one.

Oh and I woke up with a headache.

And it's going to be in the mid to high 70s (possibly 80) and I hate that. One of the reasons I want to move is because I'd like to live in a place where the weather makes sense. You can't ever put away summer clothes here because it's likely you'll need them in the middle of December, just a few short days after you were wearing a scarf and coat. Ok, I just checked the weather in Dallas and it's worse there. It's going to be a high of 37 today and 75 on Thursday. I blame global warming.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Damn you, Drew Barrymore!

She stole my boyfriend.

Monday, December 08, 2008

I have a case of the Mondays

I'm concerned about my final on Wednesday. I think the professor went about this all wrong but there's nothing to be done about it. We had our third exam last Wednesday and are now facing a cumulative final this week. Oh and the test is so long that we'll be writing for almost 3 hours straight. Fun.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


So I won't be finishing my masters this summer. There's nothing I can take during the first summer term and I can only take 2 classes in the second summer term. So I'll be taking one more class this fall. I knew this was a strong possibility but I still held onto hope. Well hope screwed me over. Stupid hope.

Monday, December 01, 2008

No more turkey

Well my family was very well-behaved on Thanksgiving. Or at least they behaved while Beth was there. THANK THE GOOD LORD ABOVE FOR THAT!

The stuff Beth missed? Mainly it was all my Uncle K. Dreaded Uncle, when in the same area as Uncle K, was surprisingly not obnoxious this time. Some of Uncle K's highlights:
  • talking about the glory of Viagara and his 25 years of ED;
  • how he finally has given up drugs after 40 years of recreational use (so he says);
  • the same uncle giving my mother a hard time about not having access to a certain football game for him to watch (even though they had multiple conversations about it and he was the one who dropped the ball, so to speak)
  • stating that he is the sharpest (or smartest-can't remember exact adjective used) person in the room
  • Lastly, he never once thanked my grandmother for paying for their hotel room (4 nights!).

Oh, and he does this thing where he says outrageous or hurtful things and then later asks to see if it was brought up in a discussion afterwards. What a bastard.