I need a valium
There's only one other person here right now. I'm easily irritated by people and normally this guy doesn't bother me but he's currently sick and making lots of throaty noises. Oh and his office is right next to mine. Of course. I hope he leaves soon. Or I hope I can leave soon.
My other irritation right now is saved for one of my cousins. She was at my house for Thanksgiving and I wasn't nasty to her, her husband or her kids. In fact I was quite pleasant. Now we're not friends by any means of the word but we've never had any problems with each other...that I know of. Well after Thanksgiving she deleted me as one of her Facebook friends. I just kind of shrugged it off because I know she's kind of odd like that. Out of curiosity I checked to see if she was still friends with my mother. She's not. She deleted my mom who is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most harmless people I know. Sure, I'm biased but I can list a whole bunch of people who would say the same thing. I don't know what my mother and/or I may have done to warrant a Facebook deletion but I'd bet my uncle had something to do with it. No, not Dreaded Uncle either. He wouldn't hurt a fly. This uncle is the cousin in question's father and he can be kind of toxic. In fact this uncle has not had one nice thing to say after we opened our home to him and his family at Thanksgiving. My grandmother paid for a hotel room for them for four nights and he never once thanked her. In fact I heard from the grapevine that he hasn't even called her since he's been back because he doesn't have anything positive to say about the trip. Is he effing kidding me? Well hopefully that means he'll never come back. What a bastard.
My other irritation right now is saved for one of my cousins. She was at my house for Thanksgiving and I wasn't nasty to her, her husband or her kids. In fact I was quite pleasant. Now we're not friends by any means of the word but we've never had any problems with each other...that I know of. Well after Thanksgiving she deleted me as one of her Facebook friends. I just kind of shrugged it off because I know she's kind of odd like that. Out of curiosity I checked to see if she was still friends with my mother. She's not. She deleted my mom who is one of the sweetest, kindest, and most harmless people I know. Sure, I'm biased but I can list a whole bunch of people who would say the same thing. I don't know what my mother and/or I may have done to warrant a Facebook deletion but I'd bet my uncle had something to do with it. No, not Dreaded Uncle either. He wouldn't hurt a fly. This uncle is the cousin in question's father and he can be kind of toxic. In fact this uncle has not had one nice thing to say after we opened our home to him and his family at Thanksgiving. My grandmother paid for a hotel room for them for four nights and he never once thanked her. In fact I heard from the grapevine that he hasn't even called her since he's been back because he doesn't have anything positive to say about the trip. Is he effing kidding me? Well hopefully that means he'll never come back. What a bastard.