Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Walk it off!

So I got a call this morning from a woman who fell after the debate and is now looking to have the Citadel pay her medical bills. She fractured something and even had the ambulance come get her. Oy vey! I fall all the time and I've never even considered suing but then I've never actually fractured anything.

So tomorrow I'm heading up to Raleigh. Then Friday thru Sunday will be at Geekfest in San Diego. In addition to Geekfest we're going to 2 of my 3 favorite restaurants in SD. One is called Pipes cafe and I can't remember if the food was actually all that good but it's on the beach and that's always nice. The other is Rockin' Baja Lobster and they have the best margaritas and a cool salsa bar! I've decided to catch an earlier flight out of SD on Sunday so I'm going to skip favorite restaurant #3, Hash House-a-gogo. They have the best brunch!

I'll be sure to post pics of the many interesting aspects of Geekfest. Keep your fingers crossed that I find Waldo this year.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

As predicted

We were in the same room but that room also had almost 3,000 other people. I know a lot of people who met him though. Good for them. Well, life goes on.

But the debate was actually pretty cool. I'm not at all into politics and really have no faith that someone good and worthwhile will get into office anytime soon. Anywhoodle it was so cool to watch and really a lot of fun. They didn't say anything new and really seemed to play to the crowd. But having the addition of the youtube questions was pretty cool. I heard one pundit say something about scripted answers and without journalists to ask questions there are no curveballs, etc. Sure, I get that but it really was a clever idea. Now I might actually watch the Republican version of this.

Monday, July 23, 2007

This is it!

Campus looks great. We have some really nice banners around. CNN was broadcasting from campus most of yesterday. This should be an interesting day.

I spent the weekend at my cousin's house. She took the kids up to DC to see her hubby/their dad. I think it's been like 3 weeks since they've seen him.

Oh and I have an interview in the English department tomorrow. I'm bummed because it isn't my #1 choice right now but maybe it's for the best.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Silver-haired fox!

Just a few days until I'm in the same room as Anderson Cooper. Sure, there will be a few thousand other people too but he will be there. Oh yes, he will be there.

There's this really great army guy who is assisting our office, specifically our president during the events surrounding the debate. He's beyond dreamy. My boss, the Colonel, warned him that CNN might try to hire him. I could totally see that. Of course I thought to myself, he better be careful that Anderson doesn't try to hit on him.

Campus is going to be nutty on Monday. I'm staying in the office most of the day to field phone calls. I told our Public Affairs office they could forward calls to me if they'd like. I might have gotten myself in trouble with that one.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Geekfest Extraordinaire

I'm going to Comic-Con!

I'm not a big fan of comic books. In fact I've bought 3 in my lifetime and they were Archie comics. I was 8. Those are in the big trash heap in the sky now. I've flipped through a graphic novel or two at the bookstore. I'm impressed by the artwork, etc. Alas my spare time is spent flipping through pages of magazines and scrolling through gossip and fashion blogs.

What's the big draw of attending a comic book convention you ask? Of course there is the mandatory making fun of the hoards of fanboys and fangirls dressed as their favorite character. But that's only part of it. Comic Con also is a pop culture fest featuring new movies and television shows.

I went once before and it was pretty interesting. The year I went they premiered Lost and I later ran into Dominic Monaghan at the airport. I told him how much I enjoyed Lost and I didn't make one mention of Lord of the Rings. Then I realized he was in the middle of a conversation on his phone and excused myself. Damn hands free thingy gets me every time.

This year the highly anticipated show is Pushing Daisies. It's gonna be one of those odd shows that I fall in love with and will be horribly disappointed when it has no audience and gets cancelled. Seriously! Why even watch new shows anymore?!?! They're just going to get cancelled and then I'll just be bummed and rant about it on my blog and get way off the point of what I was originally writing about. Wait, what was I writing about? Right, "the con."

Anywhoodle we'll get to sit in some huge conference rooms (one of which holds 6,500 people), watch clips of new movies/tv shows and see the creative forces (director/producer/actor) behind said movie/tv show answer dumb audience questions about some other project they worked on years ago because said dumb audience member can't move past some line they said that didn't match the comic book/graphic novel/regular book from which it came. FREAKS!!!

Meanwhile it'll be all I can do to keep myself from asking Clive Owen if his marriage is in good shape.

Highlights will be:
Get Smart
Shoot 'Em Up
Pushing Daisies
The Simpsons Movie
Incredible Hulk 2 (why? why? why?)
Iron Man

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My mother is evil!

She watched the Beckhams last night. In fact she even FauxVo'd it but because there was nothing else on, she watched it live. And since I was in the kitchen doing dishes, eating some ice cream, etc. I ended up seeing most of the show. Urgh!!! Ok, so there may have been a few moments that I was actually kind of sitting down and looking directly at the TV. I really did avoid that as much as possible by playing with my dog KC and irritating the other dog, Gus. He's so fun to irritate. But then there were times that Victoria would say something that was actually kind of amusing and I'd chuckle. She actually seems kind of funny. Down to earth? Uh, no. But she makes no bones about that. She fully admits to being different than everyone else. Then my mom said, "You know, if you had that body, that husband, and all that'd be just like her. You guys have the same thoughts about shoes, hairstyles, houses..." I wanted to scream "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!! YOU SAY YOU'RE SORRY AND YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" But I kind of suspect that she's right. {{shudder}} Though I like to think that I'd be doing a lot more with my money as far as charity, etc.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Please pray

My friend in California, Matt Beebe, was in a really bad car accident this past Friday. He's ok but has wrecked his new car.

My back left tire blew while I was on the 57S going 70 mph and only about 10 minutes from home. My car pivoted on the point where my tire used to be and threw me into the dividing wall. The wall didn't appreciate being hit and in turn threw me onto my passenger side and back into the freeway. The car then fell back from its side to the "normal" upright position. I was sitting at an angle to the freeway spread across the two fast lanes. The tow-truck driver this morning asked my dad who was driving. He said that cars brought in that look like this are rarely not fatal....I'm alive. Please pray for my achiness though, and figuring out exactly what happened to my car and tire. Hopefully there was shady business. Did I mention my car was brand new with less than 150 miles on it?

I don't know much about cars but I'm pretty sure that a new car isn't supposed to behave like that.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Discount Harry Potter

One nice thing about this little backwards part of the country is that we still have some cheap things. One of which is that we're blessed with a theater that has first run movies for either $2.50 for a matinee or $4.50 for an evening show. It used to be $2 & $4 but I'm ok with the extra $.50. The theater isn't stadium seating and in fact each room isn't very large but it's relatively clean and that's all that matters really. Plus when you can see a first run movie for less than a rental, well you're ahead of the game on that one. So I have a date with Harry Potter this weekend. Now if I can get the images of his posters for Equus out of my head I'll be thrilled.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper

So I got tickets for the debate here on campus. I tend to not get into politics much but mostly because I have this overwhelming apathy. I don't believe that things can or will change so what's the point in caring? Anywhoodle, I do care to see these people in person and I really care about possibly meeting Anderson Cooper. That would be 2 guys checked off my short list of favorite male celebs (Cooper and Murray). I could have checked off Clooney and Krasinski if I had driven out to Greenville but I totally chickened out of that one.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Welcome back old friend

At one time in my life, I overdosed on Napoleon Dynamite. Sure, it was safer than overdosing on drugs or alcohol. I would assume that walking away from Napoleon Dynamite would be easier than having to quit crack.

I have not watched the movie in at least 3 years. Once in a great while I do reference it by letting out a "Gosh!" or "Idiot" but even then it's only around my family. Today I found this link and feel as though I may be ready to see the movie again in the future. Perhaps in a year or so I'll watch the movie and remember why I liked it in the first place.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Welcome to the world!

Congrats (officially) to baby momma Katie on the arrival of Logan Michael. And since he was born on the 4th of July, I have a reason to celebrate.

I have a new desk at work. Plus I have a new keyboard and mouse (both wireless) so it feels like a good change in here. This will hold me a wee bit longer (a week perhaps) and then I'll be itching to get out of here again. No word on either job though I'm hoping the holiday is why I haven't heard from the one job. I have a feeling the other one is already gone but that's ok. I'll live.

I finished painting the kitchen this weekend. It looks really great in there so now I want to keep going on the rest of the house. I kind of get a kick out of painting so I'm hoping this momentum keeps going.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It's a day off of work

4th of July is probably my least favorite holiday. Yes, we get a day off from work, always a nice thing. But otherwise I just don't care for it. It's usually too hot out and my dogs get completely freaked out by the fireworks. I'm just not all that impressed by 4th of July. Maybe this year will be different. I've actually got plans and am probably taking Thursday off so that's nice.

I'm keeping my expectations low.

KATIE!!! Have that baby already!

Monday, July 02, 2007

It actually wasn't bad

And in fact, dare I say, we had a good time in Columbia! Mom and I were afraid my grandmother would decide not to go but she pulled through at the last minute. We had a great breakfast at Lizard's Thicket. Those biscuits are absolutely the best biscuits I've ever had. They're very light and very buttery. We stayed there a long time chatting and had a lot of laughs with my mom's friend.

After breakfast we drove out to Lake Murray since we were already in Lexington. I hadn't really been out that way so it was cool to see. After driving by the lake we headed back into downtown and showed my grandmother the city. We went to Finlay Park, past the governor's mansion, my favorite library, the state house, "new" main street in Columbia (really getting fixed up), through five points and then the coup de grace...the shops on Devine. Handpicked was the first stop (fyi-we have 2 in Charleston but this one is still my favorite) and then we went to the most amazing curtain store that was next to Handpicked. The curtains are so amazing that you'd buy them first and then decorate the room around them. Seriously.

Anyway, after the curtain store we headed out of town. We wanted to find a cute place for a late lunch in the Vista but nothing seemed to be open. So we drove my grandmother out to the infamous Riverbend Apartments. Yup, pretty ghetto. Then we took my grandmother back to this really nice retirement place that's on the river. So nice back there. After that we headed out of town and got home around 4.

All in all it was a good day. I wasn't expecting much. I mean, we were in Columbia. But it really is improving there. I'm not sure that I'd ever want to live there again but there definitely is a marked improvement.