Journey into the Deep South

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"Dance like it hurts, love like you need money, work when people are watching."

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Look out world

I have a life this week! I went to a baseball game last night which was fun but cold. I'm going out for happy hour tonight. I'm going to another game on Thursday. Oh and I might go see a movie this weekend. Sure, I'll be alone but that's ok. I'm living it up. I'm going to get the most out of this week 'cause classes start next week and then my summer is gone, gone, gone.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's time

I'm filling my void with searching for a place to live. I have a limited budget which usually means dangerous neighborhoods. Woo! This means I'll probably have to become someone's roommate again. I'm hoping to do the actual moving in October so I've got plenty of time. I just want to get a good idea of what's out there now. This is when I hate being poor and dislike being single. Can I tell you something? My only motivation is that I'm tired of having a long drive to work that costs me $6 or $7 dollars a day to do. Otherwise I'd stay where I am and put money in a savings account for a nest egg. So this means I'll be maybe 50 when I can buy my first house. Wow. That's depressing.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I need something exciting in my life

I'm all excited about carpooling with my friend Charlene this summer. And I'm looking forward to my order of office supplies showing up tomorrow (yes, partially because of the delivery guy). I need to get out more. I'm taking two classes this summer so getting out doesn't seem like much of a possibility.

I think I have an idea of what to focus my attention on but I'll keep that a secret for now.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

6 months and cancer free!

I went to my dermatologist and got the all clear from her. There is one mole and a birthmark with a small cluster of moles that she's keeping her eye on. For now they're fine but apparently both are high risk. The mole is large so that I understand. But I had no idea a birthmark with some freckles on it would be risky. Anyway she gave me a coupon for some daily moisturizer with SPF 45 in it. Oh and the best news is that my co-pay was $10! I can afford to get gas now!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Wow, I'm dim sometimes

I was just reading a recap of The Office and realized that Pam and Jim's initials are PB&J. How cute is that?!?!?!? As if we needed another reason why they so totally belong together! TOGETHER FOREVER!!!

I've got another cold but I'm thinking this is allergies or something. Fun times. Ann, maybe I caught this from you. Heh, maybe our emails were infected. Ha ha ha!! Get it? Infection? Anyone?

Thursday, April 17, 2008 couldn't hit water if you fell out of a f*ing boat

This movie is filming on the street I take to get to work. I managed to drive by and get a look this morning at the house where they're filming. It looks burned out so now I'm curious at the story line. The description on IMDB says something about a single dad moving his family to rural Illinois... Does Charleston look like rural Illinois or will rural Illinois show up later? Apparently they've been shooting all over Charleston which is cool. We got an email yesterday about the street closure and it reminded me of when I worked in LA. We'd get those emails every month. Usually they were about the streets around my building but once it was about the rear lobby. Of course I can't even remember the movie but they shot an action sequence through that lobby. Stuff like that would happen enough that I started to get irritated when it got in the way of my daily routine. Now I think it's cool again. Just another way one's perception of life is skewed when one lives in Los Angeles.

Ok, this is completely off the subject but I'm a bit confused and need to vent a bit. I'm not a singer. I can sing and do well in choirs because I can blend. My mom's side of the family is very musical and I've been raised in and around music. I know a good note when I hear one. I know when someone is flat and I know when they're sharp. I can tell when someone is singing out of their range. Ok, that said, I feel like I'm missing something while watching Idol recently. The judges have been knocking people who sound perfectly fine on my tv and applauding others who sound, "pitchy" as Randy would say. I'm wondering if it's anything to do with live, in the theater performances versus what folks at home hear on their televisions. Alright, I'm done. I just wanted to put that out there. Really I guess I shouldn't care because it's just Idol and even the sucky people tend to end up with record contracts. What's funny is that most of the contestants left have already had records. Freaking ringers.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I blame Michael Jackson

I just saw a cadet moonwalking in the hall. Who does that?!?!

I'm rather enjoying this cold snap we're having. I hope the 100 degree heat with 100% humidity holds off as long as possible. Of course it's going to warm up for the one day I'm planning on being outside this week but it'll still only be 80 out. My grad assistant's husband works for the Family Circle Cup and she's invited me to join her on Friday night for the quarterfinals. That should be a good time. The last pro tennis match I went to was in Philly for the Virginia Slims something or other. I got to see some of the top women but then that was the early 90s and their names escape me right now. Ahhh, old you challenge my memory.

Oh and I'm waiting on my actual acceptance to the graduate program. I've been a "non-degree seeking student" thus far but upon acceptance will actually have declared my intention to study. I got into the other USC so I can't imagine I won't get in here. The real question is will they let me take classes this summer. If they do, I should be done at the end of next summer. Here's hoping...

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Snap out of it!

There's one particular professor in my department that I really don't like. There are many reasons I don't like said professor but one glaring reason is that he/she sighs...a lot! The sighs are very loud and I'm sure done in order to get some sort of attention.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Slight fetish

I have a thing for delivery guys. There's a campus delivery guy that I think is cute and the office supply delivery guy is cute as well. They look nothing alike but I'm still attracted to both. I'm sure there's some deep psychological reason that I'm partial to men who bring me things but let's not go there, m'kay?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Dreams are fun

I dreamt about one of the professors in my department last night. More specifically I dreamt about Professor Swoon. There were a bunch of us at some sort of sporting event or something and I finally got to meet his girlfriend who had no personality whatsoever. I was bummed because I've always figured that his girlfriend would have to be pretty cool. Thankfully it was only a dream and my assumption that he's really dating someone awesome still exists. Meanwhile it's still weird when you have a very realistic dream about someone and then you feel awkward around them when you see them in person.

Why can't today be Friday?

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Where's Madeleine?

How I Met Your Mother was so great last night. When Barney flashed all the women he had scorned I noticed there was an older woman. Thanks to my DVR, I rewound it and played back in slo-mo. They stuck a shot of one of my favorite women, Madeleine Albright, in there. Barney really is the man. The tournament of Barney's women was pretty funny too. Then the end with the Doogie Howser music and Barney blogging was such a perfect way to end it. Well done.